

1. Start Of Something New
2. Get'cha Head In The Game
3. What I've Been Looking For
4. What I've Been Looking For (Reprise)
5. Stick To The Status Quo
6. When There Was Me And You
7. Bop To The Top
8. Breaking Free
9. We're All In This Together
10. I Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You
11. Get'cha Head In The Game - B5
12. Start Of Something New (Karaoke Instrumental)
13. Breaking Free (Karaoke Instrumental)

1. What Time Is It
2. Fabulous
3. Work This Out
4. You Are the Music in Me
5. I Don't Dance
6. You Are the Music in Me (Sharpay Version)
7. Gotta Go My Own Way
8. Bet On It
9. Everyday
10. All For One
11. BONUS TRACK: Humuhumunukunukuapua'a

1. Now Or Never- HSM Cast 《更待何时》大合唱

Most of you know but just a recap it in the basketball game!

2. Wow!- Tiara, Jimmy, Donnie 《哇哦!》

New Sophomores Walk into east high! they are walking around together looking at everything and acting really weird haha sounds cool!

3. My Shadow - Troy, Chad, Sharpay, Tiara, Jimmy, Donnie 《我的影子》
Takes Place in the gym when Chad and troy tell Donnie and jimmy to meet up for basket ball training but it turns out the Theater was full so Sharpay and Tiara are there rehearsing!

4. Boys Are Back - Troy And Chad
Troy and Chad are running around a junk yard smashing and banging trash can together and smashing car windows in the junk yard!

5. I Want It All- Sharpay And Ryan 《我全都要》
Massive cafeteria scene when there are over 500 kids dancing and singing!

6. You Think You Know What’s Best- Gabriella and Sharpay 《你自以为是要得到最好》
A sing off outside between Sharpay and Gabriella when Sharpay tries to steel troy Gabriella get fed up with it and screams at her and they start to sing!

7. Right Here, Right Now- Troy And Gabriella 《此时此地》
This is the first song in the Play when troy and Gabriella are sitting in the tree we all saw in the first movie!

8. Our Prom Time!- HSM Cast 《毕业舞会开始了!》
This is a big number where the whole cast get dressed up for prom time!

9. Sing Just To Dance- Sharpay and Tiara 《载歌且舞》
The sing off between Sharpay and Tiara It is about 7 minutes long witch makes it the longest movie In HSM History!

10. A Night To Remember- HSM Cast 《难忘今宵》【请无视我恶搞的翻译……】
This song was planed to be the last song in the Play! It is mostly sung by Gabriella but there are parts where The whole cast Join In!

11. Wait Don’t Go!- Ryan 《等一下别走!》
This song it the only Solo in the movie! When everyone starts to leave as the play is finishing, Ryan runs Out grabs the mic Tells Kelsi to play any tune and he’ll sing to it!

12. May I Have This Dance? -Troy And Gabriella 《能和我跳支舞么?》
At stanford university when troy is going to surprise Gabriella there and he jumps out of a tree and they start to sing!

13. We’re All In This Together (Graduation Version)- HSM Cast 《大家一起来》
There are Extra Versus in this one where Chad and taylor sing and the new sophmores and takes place during graduation!

14. High School Musical - HSM Cast 《高校音乐剧》
Takes Place as soon as evryone graduates!

15. 1st Credit Song -(winner of HSM: Get In The Picture) 第一首片尾曲

16. 2nd Credit Song (Start Of Something New)*REMIXED*- Zac Efron And Vanessa Hudgens

17. What Did you Think?- Zac Efron 《感觉如何?》
Zac Efrons New Single!
Zac Efron的新单曲。【我汗下绝对是捞一票粉丝尖叫的行为】

参考资料:百度贴吧 百度知道

第1个回答  2008-08-24
专辑名:《High School Musical》
发行公司:Walt Disney[曲目介绍]

1. Start Of Something New
2. Get'cha Head In The Game
3. What I've Been Looking For
4. What I've Been Looking For (Reprise)
5. Stick To The Status Quo
6. When There Was Me And You
7. Bop To The Top
8. Breaking Free
9. We're All In This Together
10. I Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You
11. Get'cha Head In The Game - B5
12. Start Of Something New (Karaoke Instrumental)
13. Breaking Free (Karaoke Instrumental)

专集名:《High School Musical2》

1. What Time Is It
2. Fabulous
3. Work This Out
4. You Are the Music in Me
5. I Don't Dance
6. You Are the Music in Me (Sharpay Version)
7. Gotta Go My Own Way
8. Bet On It
9. Everyday
10. All For One
11. BONUS TRACK: Humuhumunukunukuapua'a

这张《High School Musical》的原声大碟在上榜之初并没有引起过多地关注,专辑在上榜的第二周也仅排在Billboard 200专辑榜的第58位。但随着这部电影的热播,本张原声也得到了很多本部电影影迷的青睐,专辑在上榜的第三周从Billboard 200专辑榜的第58位飙升到了当周的第十位。并且最终成为了Billboard 200专辑榜的冠军。
收录在这张原声专辑中的单曲也创造了诸多纪录,其中由Andrew Seeley,Zac Efron和Vanessa Anne Hudgens合作的《Breaking Free》在二月初的一周从Hot 100单曲榜的第86位飙升到第四位,创造了Hot 100单曲榜单周上升名次最多的新纪录。而当周共有九首出自本张原声大碟的歌曲登上Hot 100单曲榜,其中的五首进入到了前40名当中。本张专辑除了选入一首当今最红的少年R&B组合B5的歌曲之外,还特地为卡拉OK爱好者准备了两首伴奏曲目。
据全美权威市调Nielsen Sound Scan统计,迪士尼原创《歌舞青春High School Musical》以超过370万张的专辑销售,勇夺2006美国专辑销售年度冠军。此外,综观年度前十大,表现最为出色的音乐厂牌,首推迪士尼音乐,共计有《歌舞青春》、《孟汉娜Hannah Montana》原声带与雷可福磊斯合唱团Rascal Flatts 《我的小混混Me and My Gang》强占年度Top 10。此外,继在全美巡回演出音乐剧之后,《歌舞青春》也将在今年度开拍续集,并开放网友上网公投续集的部分剧情。
2006全美年终销售报表出炉,迪士尼频道原创电视电影《歌舞青春》原声带年度销售超过370万张,成为全美年度最畅销的专辑作品。而堪称美国乡村乐界的第一天团“雷可福磊斯合唱团”以超过340万张销售的《我的小混混》勇夺年度亚军。此外,还有发行才十一周的迪士尼频道原创电视影集《孟汉娜》原声带,也以高达190万张的专辑销售,名列年度销售第八名。综观年度销售前十名的专辑,有三张就出自迪士尼旗下的音乐厂牌。对此,身为迪士尼音乐厂牌的总裁鲍伯表示:“在唱片市场持续低迷的情况下,能有此成绩,更让我们感到兴奋。”《歌舞青春》原声带不但成为2006全美年度专辑销售总冠军,同时也打破多项告示牌排行纪录,包括专辑内四首单曲皆于首周同时进入全美单曲榜,刷新披头四曾创下的进榜成绩,而总计专辑内的九首单曲皆同时打入全美告示牌单曲榜Top 100,更刷新金氏世界纪录!
本张原声被狂热的影迷推上了Billboard 200专辑榜的冠军宝座,但它仅凭音乐究竟能否吸引没看过这部电影的歌迷就难说了。
第2个回答  2008-08-24
1. Start Of Something New
2. Get'cha Head In The Game
3. What I've Been Looking For
4. What I've Been Looking For (Reprise)
5. Stick To The Status Quo
6. When There Was Me And You
7. Bop To The Top
8. Breaking Free
9. We're All In This Together
10. I Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You
11. Get'cha Head In The Game - B5
12. Start Of Something New (Karaoke Instrumental)
13. Breaking Free (Karaoke Instrumental)
1. What Time Is It
2. Fabulous
3. Work This Out
4. You Are the Music in Me
5. I Don't Dance
6. You Are the Music in Me (Sharpay Version)
7. Gotta Go My Own Way
8. Bet On It
9. Everyday
10. All For One
11. BONUS TRACK: Humuhumunukunukuapua'a


第3个回答  2008-08-24
1.start of something new
2.get'cha head in game
3.what I've been looking for
4.stick to the staff as quo
5.when there was me and you
6.bop to the top
7.breaking free
8.we are all in this together
9.I can't take my eyes off you

1.what time is it
3.work this out
4.you are the music in me
6.I don't dance
7.you are the music in me(sharpay version)
8.gotta go my owm way
9.bet on it
11.all for one

第4个回答  2008-08-24
1.start of something new
2.get'cha head in game
3.what I've been looking for
4.stick to the staff as quo
5.when there was me and you
6.bop to the top
7.breaking free
8.we are all in this together
9.I can't take my eyes off you

1.what time is it
3.work this out
4.you are the music in me
6.I don't dance
7.you are the music in me(sharpay version)
8.gotta go my owm way
9.bet on it
11.all for one