


GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用于除法律与商业外的各专业,由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)主办。GRE是世界各地的大学各类研究生院(除管理类学院,法学院)要求申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩,也是教授对申请者是否授予奖学金所依据的最重要的标准。
Jay Kang(姜志硕)

GRE has been growing a lot recently and GRE score is accepted both by the graduate and business schools. Recently, Chinese test taker has reached about 70,000 (in 2023) which is the 10% increase comparing the previous year. The global volume reaches about 731,000. There are lots of students now taking the GRE Revised General Test.近年来,参加GRE考试的考生数量不断增加,GRE成绩也被研究生院和商学院广泛接受。最近(2023年),中国的GRE考生达到了7万人次,比去年增长了10%。全世界范围内,GRE考生人数约有73万1千人次。目前,全球有大量学生参加GRE普通考试。
August, September, October and November are the most popular testing months in China. While there are testing locations in more than 40 cities in China, the Beijing location attracts the most and Shanghai is the second largest testing location. As a whole, Chinese students perform extremely well on the Quantitative Reasoning section and the mean score is 163.4; performance on the Verbal Reasoning and Analytical Writing measures lower than the total population mean.八、九、十、十一月是中国大陆每年最热的GRE考试季。虽然中国大陆在超过40个城市设立了考试点,但是北京的考点是最热门的,其次是上海。总的来说,中国学生在数学方面的表现很好,平均分达到163.4分;而在语文和分析写作方面得分则低于全球平均分。
There are more and more students taking the GRE Revised Test a second time. In 2023, about one out of two people in China took the GRE Revised General Test a second time. We also provide the ScoreSelect option which is available only for the GRE test. With that option, students who take the test more than once can choose to send only their best set of scores.有越来越多的学生选择重考GRE。2023年,每两个中国考生中就有一人参加了两次GRE考试。GRE考试提供ScoreSelect服务,此项服务仅限于GRE考试,可供多次参加考试的学生从成绩中选取最好的一次提交给申请的学校。
GRE scores currently accepted both by the graduate and business schools. Currently, there are more than 1100 business schools accepting GRE scores. In China, there are about 40 graduate and business schools accepting GRE scores. The numbers are growing. Also, 90 out of 100 US News.com hundred business schools accept GRE scores, and 9 out of Top 10 MBA schools by the Financial Times Global MBA Ranking accept GRE scores.目前,主要是研究生院和商学院接受GRE考试成绩。现在,有超过1100所的商学院接受GRE考试成绩。在中国大陆,有大约40个研究生院和商学院接受GRE考试成绩。这个数字一直在增长。在美国News&World评出的排名前100的商学院中有九成接受GRE成绩,金融时报评出的全球前十MBA学校中有九所接受GRE成绩。
申请商学院,GRE v.s. GMAT
We heard that business schools don't have any preference on the GMAT or GRE. So student can send the GRE scores to the MBA programs.据我们所知,商学院对于GRE和GMAT并没有任何偏向。因此,同学们可以使用GRE成绩申请MBA课程。
GRE is the only test that accepted both by graduate and business school and with the test-taker-friendly design. Students can skip the question and answer it later, and mark the question if it is difficult within a selection with which the student can select the best set of their scores to the school they apply.GRE是唯一的一个同时被研究生院和商学院接受的考试。而且,GRE考试设计非常人性化。考生可以先跳过问题,过后再回答;也可以通过点击相关选项标记他们认为回答起来比较困难的题目。同时,我们还建立了选择最优成绩的机制,考生可以选择他们最好的成绩提交给申请的学校。
GRE search service is that the GRE test takers can include their information in the GRE search service database. Then business and graduate schools can search the students and send e-mails to them about the program and scholarship opportunities etc. So it is always better to check the GRE search service at the myGRE account.考生可以在GRE搜索数据库中录入他们的信息,而后商学院和研究生院则可以通过搜索找到考生,并通过邮件向考生发送学校的课程介绍、奖学金等信息。因此,我们强烈建议考生在账户中勾选搜索服务。
Practice, practice, practice. ETS offers various tools online, some are free, and for others, you have to pay. Student can start from the ETS website and GRE website. They can download the Powerprep II software and purchase official GRE guide book. Most recently, ETS published two new books, one is the Verbal Reasoning, and the other one is Quantitative Reasoning with 150 questions which are never published before by the test maker, ETS.练习、练习、再练习。ETS提供多种在线学习工具,有的是免费的,有的是付费的。考生可以登录EST和GRE的网站下载Powerprep II软件,也可以购买《新GRE普通考试官方指南》。最近,ETS出版了两本新书,一本是语文的,一本是数学的,包括了150道ETS首次披露的题目。
GRE Revised General Test scores, when used properly, can help the graduate admissions and business school admissions process. Scaled score allows users to compare applicants because the score reflects approximately the same level of performance regardless of when the test is taken. The percentile rank for a score indicates the percentage of examinees who took the test and receive a lower score. Percentile rank shown on the score report are based on the performance of the current reference group. For each test, regardless of when the test was taken, the percentile rank for any score may vary over the years, depending on the scores of the group with which the score is compared. Thus, the GRE program advices graduate schools and business schools that when two or more applicants are compared, the comparison should be made on their basis of their respective scores. If percentile ranks are considered, they should all be based on the most recent percentile rank information available. The current percentile rank tables are based on all individuals who tested between Aug. 2023 and Apr. 30, 2023.正确使用GRE成绩有助于研究生院和商学院的录取工作。学校可以根据成绩比较申请者。因为成绩可以反映大体相当的表现,不论申请者是何时参加的考试。而分数的百分比反映的是,所有考生中得分低于这个分数的考生所占比例。百分比反映的是当前的考生参照组的水平,针对于每一次考试,与考试举行的时间无关。每年的百分比情况有可能不同,这取决于参照组的选取。所以,GRE项目提示研究生院和商学院,在考虑两个或更多申请者时,应该根据考生的GRE考试分数进行选择。如果要考虑百分比水平,则应参考最近的百分比数据。目前的百分比数据是基于所有于2023年8月至2023年4月30日参加考试的考生统计的。
Every school and program is different and the applicants have to look at the school's and program's website they apply. The GRE Revised General Test is accepted both by the graduate and business schools. So students have more opportunities for their future. Whether they are interested in applying Master's, MBA, specialized Masters, PhD or are applying for fellowships, GRE score will be necessary and will be the first step on their path. If a student wishes to plan ahead, that is a good idea. Scores are good for five years, and the ScoreSelect option allows the students to select the best set of scores they want to send.学校和课程各不相同,所以申请人需要自行查看所申请学校和课程的网站。GRE考试成绩被研究生院和商学院所接受,因此考生们有更多的机会。如果要申请研究生、MBA课程、专业硕士、博士或者奖学金,那么GRE成绩是必须的,而参加GRE考试也就是他们申请的第一步。提前计划是个好主意。考试成绩五年有效,而且因为有ScoreSelect服务,他们可以选择最好的一次成绩用于申请。
希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。留学的道路充满了无限可能,但选择和准备的过程可能也充满挑战。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ 。在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。我们的专业团队会全程陪伴您,助您圆梦海外学府。祝您留学申请顺利!