ask sb to do sth.还是ask sb. for?


ask sb to do sth 和 ask sb for doing sth 的区别在于:前者是请求或命令某人做某事,后者是请求某人提供某种行动或服务。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

 "ask sb to do sth"是请求或命令某人做某事。

 "ask sb for doing sth"是请求某人提供某种行动或服务。


I asked my sister to help me with the chores.(我叫我妹妹帮我做家务。)

I asked my friend for help with moving the furniture.(我向朋友请求帮助搬家具。)

2. 用法区别:

 "ask sb to do sth"后面跟动词不定式,表示请求或命令某人做某事。

 "ask sb for doing sth"后面跟名词或动名词,表示请求某人提供某种行动或服务。


He asked me to drive him to the airport.(他要求我把他送到机场。)

She asked her boss for permission to take a day off.(她向老板请假一天。)

3. 使用环境区别:

 "ask sb to do sth"更常用于日常口语和正式场合中。

 "ask sb for doing sth"相对较少使用,在特定情况下更常见。


The teacher asked the students to be quiet in the library.(老师要求学生在图书馆保持安静。)

She asked her colleague for doing the presentation in her place.(她请同事代替她做演讲。)

4. 影响范围区别:

 "ask sb to do sth"强调请求或命令某人执行特定的动作或任务。

 "ask sb for doing sth"强调请求某人提供某种行动或服务。


The manager asked the team to complete the project by Monday.(经理要求团队在周一之前完成项目。)

He asked his neighbor for help watering the plants while he was on vacation.(他请邻居帮忙给植物浇水,因为他去度假了。)

5. 形象区别:

 "ask sb to do sth"更直接,表达出请求或命令的目的。

 "ask sb for doing sth"更间接,表达出请求或表示需要某人的行动。


The teacher asked the students to clean the classroom.(老师要求学生打扫教室。)

He asked his friend for a favor in finding a job.(他请求朋友帮忙找工作。)
