

Instant noodles Turkey noodles 1
pack Cucumber 1Accessories
chicken wings 1
shrimp 1
The practice of turkey noodles1.
Prepare materials
2.Cucumber shaved into wire for use3.Heat the soup pot and boil it for
3 minutes.
4.Cook out the noodles and place them in a slightly deep bowl
5.Face a little soup, then add the sauce
6.Add some cucumber silk
7.Mix well and you can eat at this step, but you need to look down
8.The remaining cucumber silk is spread on the plate, put on the turkey surface and sprinkled with the seaweed material bag.
9.Paired with a grilled chicken wing and prawns, it is also a luxurious configuration.
10.Hot turkey noodles,
eatCooking tips
1, the surface can be cooked for a little longer, try the process of cooking, not too bad.
2, the taste of the self-contained material is very full, add a little cucumber silk is to be more refreshing.