
run a competition
tales from history
two at a time
going up the stairs
stand on the high wall of the city
look down
capture our city
sail away
take sth with them
leave their horse
the main gates of the city
a horse made of wood
a wooden horse
get some help
on wheels
don't have to do
obey orders
drag into
with ropes
in the main square of the city
the citizens of Troy
make jokes about sb
be securely locked
go to sleep
including the gate guards
except for
Greek soldiers
wait for another hour
the secret door

climb out
in the darkness
enter the city
drag sb away
by frighting
in one night
succeed in doing
by a trick

run a competition 举办一个比赛/竞赛
tales from history 一个源自历史的故事
two at a time 在同一个时间里,两个(一起)
going up the stairs (走)上梯级
stand on the high wall of the city 站在城市高墙上
look down 俯视
capture our city 记录/捕获我们的城市
sail away 航走了
take sth with them 从他们那里取走了某件东西
leave their horse 留下他们的马
the main gates of the city 城市主要的闸门/通道/入口
a horse made of wood 一头木制的马
a wooden horse 一只木马
get some help 得到些帮助
on wheels 正在推动/转向/盘旋
don't have to do 不需要做
obey orders 遵守命令
drag into 拉进去
with ropes 用绳
in the main square of the city 在城市主要中心
the citizens of Troy 特洛伊的居民
make jokes about sb 开某人的玩笑
be securely locked 安全地上锁
go to sleep 去睡觉
including the gate guards 包括入口处的守卫
except for 除了
Greek soldiers 希腊士兵
wait for another hour 在等多一个小时
the secret door 秘密门/通道

climb out 爬出去
in the darkness 在黑暗里
enter the city 进入城市
drag sb away 把某人拖走
by frighting 受惊(的情况下)
in one night 在一个夜里
succeed in doing 成功做到
by a trick 利用一个诡计/戏法/诀窍