
title:students today are under a lot more pressure than before

2.要有introductory paragraph,3个supporting paragraph和concluding paragraphy

As students academic pressure is always necessary to face the subject, as the employment pressure caused by the new academic pressure is gradually increasing. University students in order to meet the needs of the community, to become his versatile talents, which need to learn a lot of homework, to get a certificate to deal with all kinds of employment. But the effort is limited and often loss, the result is not what the study. University of the delayed update teaching materials also bring more students to study burden. On the one hand, students should learn the school has not provided for as early as practical courses, on the one hand to find the future can be used to study the course, there are all kinds of rigid Grading Test subjects so that students should not have time. Because of the pressure on employment also enable more students choose to read the master's doctoral program, in order to study section, many students are graduating from the former 12 to begin preparations for the various study section courses are everywhere, both university students also have to pay time Pay money. Moreover, because the university to expand enrollment, many students are far less before the students a solid foundation courses tough, new knowledge of the capacities are limited, and teaching materials are still so profound, based on poor studentslike listening to Double Dutch General, Peng Zhao old textbooks to teach the teachers rather helpless.