英文 游石家庄植物园有感



in the northwest suburbs of shijiazhuang, shijiazhuang botanical garden plant landscape theme park, is a beautiful green ecological leisure place. The park has a wave of the clear lake, bonsai art gallery, tropical plants in greenhouse, museum, art of roses waterside pavilion, lake, lotus pond, square, short step by step fold 38 attractions such as water, century clock. And pine garden, peony, peony garden, rose garden, cafe DE jack, prunus persica garden, Chinese flowering crabapple garden, clove garden, aquatic botanical garden, different botanical garden, wet raw botanical garden, etc. 15 plant species-divided gardens. Collected about 1136 kinds of plants, hundreds of thousands of trees.

Large-scale botanical garden, a beautiful landscape, in the botanical garden, grass green, the beauty of the flowers blossoming, enjoy the blue sky and clear water between the fresh and cheerful, listen to the branches of birds singing. Breathing the scent of fragrant flowers, intimate contact with nature, has a completely relax your body and mind.