

戛纳电影节(法语:Festival de Cannes)是一个由法国于1939年首度举办于该国南部城市戛纳,于二战战后复兴并于同地扩大举办的国际性电影展暨电影奖。



The Cannes Film Festival (French: Festival de Cannes) is an international film exhibition and film award that was first held by France in 1939 in Cannes, the southern city of the country, revived after World War II and expanded in the same place. It is one of the most influential film festivals in the world. 

It is called the Five World Film Festivals together with the Berlin Film Festival in Germany, the Venice Film Festival in Italy, the Toronto International Film Festival in Canada and the Caroville Film Festival in Czech Republic. It is also called the Four World Art Film Festivals with the Berlin Film Festival, the Venice Film Festival and the Moscow Film Festival in Russia. 

Cannes Film Festival is held in mid-May every year for about 12 days. It usually opens on Wednesday and closes on Sunday every other week. In addition to film competitions, market exhibitions are also held at the same time.
