


Part I Listening Comprehension

Section A

Section B

6 10 TFTTF 11 15 CDBDC

Section C

16 20 BCDAB

Section D


21. referred to 22. with great attention 23. well-informed 24. instant messaging 25. with access to


26. (the) Chinese 27. wealthy/rich 28. Gold Rush 29. ethnic 30. tourist attractions

Part II Vocabulary & Grammar

31 35 CABED 36 40 CADBB 41 45 DDCEA

Part III Cloze

46. from 47. like 48. context 49. Former 50. linguistic

51. tongue 52. pronunciation 53. written 54. by 55. accidentally

Part IV Reading Comprehension

Section A

56. (obvious) spam 57. the message time 58. prompt attention

59. reply immediately 60. brief acknowledgement

Section B

61 65 EGCDA

Section C

66. It is located in Washington D. C.

67. In 1926.

68. Because they heard that there were agricultural j obs there.

69. Freedom and fun.

70. New signs were put up and tourists began to travel down it once again. - 1 -

Section D

71. similar to 72. decline 73. cultures and ideas 74. fall (rapidly) 75. from extinction

Part V Translation

Section A

76. 筷子通常用木头或竹子制作,用来食用亚洲食物。相传,筷子是五千多年前在中国发明的。最早见到 的一双铜制筷子是从河南省安阳附近的殷墟出土的,可追溯到大约公元前 1200 年。筷子在日常生活 中使用频繁,以至于它已不只是一种餐具,而是一套自成体系的礼节习俗。

Section B

77. Russia s national college entrance examination will include Chinese as a foreign language.

78. It is a special language, whose methods of teaching and learning are quite different from other languages.

79. The three-year preparation work was completed in 2017.

80. The study of Chinese has constantly grown with the increasing co-operation in trade and economy between China and Russia.

81. Insiders confirmed that students with both relevant professional background and Chinese language proficiency are more competitive in j ob applications.

Part VI Error Correction

During an average year, about 50 people die from carbon monoxide poisoning in the

UK, caused directly by fumes from home heating appliances which

Part I Listening Comprehension

Section A
