

I have a deep passion for basketball, so when I entered middle school, I eagerly joined the basketball team.
Last week, our team had a thrilling match against another school. We were all thrilled because it was our first official game.
By halftime, we were trailing. Our team leader gathered us and emphasized the importance of unity if we wanted to turn the tide.
Inspired by his words, we fought harder and collaborated seamlessly.最终,我们逆转赢得了比赛,it was truly remarkable. Unity is strength.
For the past few weeks, I've been actively communicating with many parents of students at Starbuck's Corner. One recurring topic in our discussions is creating an English-speaking environment at home. While methods like watching English movies and listening to English songs are commonly known, the idea of speaking English with their children at home is often met with trepidation by most Chinese parents. Their concerns include:
- Being afraid their accents might "infect" their children.
- Worrying about making grammatical errors or using the wrong words.
- Concern over their limited vocabulary for teaching.
- Children's resistance or preference for Chinese when English conversation is attempted.
I'd like to address these concerns by sharing why I believe they are surmountable and why I think speaking English with children at home is one of the most beneficial things parents can do to support their child's English learning journey.
I find that using a simple analogy helps explain the effectiveness of this approach. If your child wants to learn basketball, you can start by teaching them how to dribble. Then, you can teach them how to shoot and the rules of the game. You can even play a game together. All these fundamental skills are core requirements for playing basketball. Once mastered and practiced, they can play with others, improving their skills along the way. When playing with other children, they learn from observing others, forming their own strategies, and even innovating their techniques. As they get better from practice and learning from mistakes, they might even surpass your skills.
Are you worried about teaching your child an unauthentic accent, confusing grammar, or running out of vocabulary? In reality, immersing children in a language environment and exposing them to native speakers is far more important than achieving perfect pronunciation. However, if your child has been learning English for a significant amount of time, they will eventually figure out the correct pronunciation.
Imagine your child's brain as having two buckets of knowledge: one for Chinese and another for English. These two buckets have an overlap where both languages mix, including aspects like tone, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. At first, children will mimic your English because you are their main source of English language input. As they learn more and grow older, they become more mature and start to recognize the standard pronunciation of native speakers. At this point, they begin to imitate native speakers, as they can now differentiate between correct and incorrect pronunciation. This is when the boundaries between the two language buckets become clearer, with less overlap.
So, our primary goal should be to achieve fluency in English expression, not perfection. Let me ask you a question: would you rather have your child speak English fluently, or speak it accurately but haltingly? Learning English is about mastering a skill, and skills are acquired through constant practice and correction. It's natural for children to pick up some bad habits along the way, but it's essential for them to start and actively engage in this language journey if they ever hope to speak English fluently one day.
Trust me when I say that speaking English with your child is not an easy task, but it's not an easy habit to form either. I can envision the scene: you're at home, speaking English to your child, and they resist or feel punished. It's not easy for children to adapt, and it's not easy for you either. But I always tell parents, enduring temporary tears can lead to lifelong rewards.