
Skin has two parts.The top part which we can see is called the epidermis.It is very thin layer od dead skin.The body replaces this layer all the time.People lose about twenty kilos of skin in their lives.
The inner layer of skin is called the dermis.The skin in this layer is living.The dermis has tiny oil glands.The oil glands are important because they produce oil that help to keep our skin soft.The dermis is also important because it helps our bodies to lose some of its heat .In this way,our bodies to lose some of its heat.In this way,our body not get too hot.

皮肤分为两部分。上面我们能看见的部分称为表皮,是一层很薄的死皮,这部分经常由新陈代谢被更新。人的一生要脱掉大约20公斤的皮肤。里面那层皮肤称为真皮,是活的。真皮中有些很小的油脂腺,这些油脂腺很重要,因为他们分泌的油脂可以保持皮肤的柔软。真皮的重要之处还在于它能帮身体消耗掉一些热量。 (倒数第二句话In this way,our bodies to lose some of its heat是打印错误,重复的,删掉不翻译) 这样,身体就不会变得太热。
第1个回答  2020-10-09