be surprised to do sth和be surprised doing sth的区别


第1个回答  2023-07-18
"Be surprised to do something"和"Be surprised doing something"的区别在于动词不定式(to do)和动名词(doing)的使用。
- "Be surprised to do something"表示对将要或可能发生的行为感到惊讶。这种结构强调的是对行为本身的意外或出乎意料感。例如:"I was surprised to hear the news."(我对听到这个消息感到惊讶。)
- "Be surprised doing something"表示在进行某个行为时感到意外或惊讶。这种结构强调的是在行为过程中产生的感受或体验。例如:"He was surprised seeing his old friend at the party."(在派对上见到他的老朋友,他感到惊讶。)
总结来说,"be surprised to do something"强调对将来或可能发生的行为感到意外,而"be surprised doing something"强调在进行某个行为时感到惊讶。
第2个回答  2015-04-27
be surprised to do sth和be surprised doing sth的区别是:

be surprised to do sth 是惊讶地去做某事.

be surprised doing sth 是惊讶已经做了某事.本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第3个回答  2023-07-16
"be surprised to do sth"和"be surprised doing sth"的区别在于动词后面的不同。

"be surprised to do sth"表示对于某个动作或事件感到惊讶或意外。例如:

- I was surprised to see him at the party.(我对他在派对上出现感到惊讶。)
- She was surprised to hear the news.(她对这个消息感到惊讶。)

"be surprised doing sth"表示在进行某个动作时感到惊讶或意外。例如:

- He was surprised singing in front of a large audience.(他在大庭广众面前唱歌时感到惊讶。)
- They were surprised dancing so well.(他们对自己跳舞跳得这么好感到惊讶。)

总的来说,"be surprised to do sth"强调对于某个动作或事件的感到惊讶,而"be surprised doing sth"强调在进行某个动作时的感到惊讶。
第4个回答  2023-07-15
"Be surprised to do something" 和 "Be surprised doing something" 这两种表些不同之处。
1. "Be surprised to do something"(惊讶地做某事):这表达方式表示某人对于自己去某事感到惊讶或意外。它强调的是动作或行为本身引发的惊讶感。例如:I was surprised to(见到她在派对上我感到惊讶。)
2. " surprised doing something"(在做某时感到惊讶)这种表达方式某人在进行某个动作感到惊讶。它强调的是某个特定的动作过程中所体验到的讶。例如:I was surprised laughing out loud at the joke(我在笑话时到讶。)
总之,两种表达方式的区别主要在"to do something"调动作本身带来的惊讶感,而"doing something"则调动过程中产生的惊讶感。
第5个回答  2015-10-02