


1、 I don’t know the reason why he came so late. 我不知道他来得那么晚的原因。

2、That is the reason why I don’t want to go. 那就是我不想去的理由。

3、He didn’t tell me the reason why he was so upset.他没有告诉我他为什么那样心烦意乱。  

4、This is the office where he worked. 这就是他工作过的办公室。

5、The night when we took a stroll in the park was so cold.咱们在公园散步的那个晚上好冷。

6、I remember the night when we took a stroll in the park.我记得那个咱们一起在公园散步的夜晚。

7、What I can never forget is the night when we took a stroll in the park.我永不能忘记的是咱们一起在公园散步的那个夜晚。

8、The days when we used foreign oil are gone.我们用洋油的日子一去不复返了。

9、lt happenedin November when the weather was wet and cold.这事发生在天气又湿又冷的十一月。
