take off什么意思?




1. take的意思:v. 携带,拿走;带去,引领;把…...带到(另一个层次、层面等);拿,取等。n. (一次拍摄的)镜头,场景;收入量;<美>(入场券的)售得金额;看法,态度;(印刷)一次排版量。

2. take的介词短语搭配及相应例句:

(1) take apart 分开;拆开

The boy took apart the toy car, but couldnt put it together again. 男孩把玩具汽车拆开了,可怎么也安装不上了。

(2)take away 拿走;拆去

He wants to know who has taken away his dictionary. 他想知道谁拿走了他的词典。

(3)take back 撤销;收回

Would you please permit me to take back what I said? 请允许我收回我说的话好吗?

(4)take down 取下;记录下来

She took down every word that the teacher said in his lesson. 她把老师在课堂上讲的每一句话都记录下来。

(5) take... for 当作;误认为

He speaks English so well that hes often taken for a native. 他的英语说得那样好,常被人误认为是英国人。

(6) take in 收留;包括

The old couple took in the orphan and treated him as their own child. 那对老夫妇收留了这个孤儿,并把他当作自己的孩子。

(7) take off 脱掉;起飞

Flight 318 delayed taking off because of the heavy snow. 318航班因大雪延误了起飞。

(8)take on 呈现出

The city of Tangshan took on a new look after the rebuilding. 唐山市在重建后呈现出新的面貌。
