

1.She goes to school every day. 她每天都上学。
否定句:" she doesn't go to school every day." 她并不是每天都上学。
疑问句:" Does she go to school every day?" 她每天都上学么?
肯定回答:" Yes, she does." 是的,她每天都上学。
否定回答:" No, she doesn't." 不,她不是每天都上学。

2.She comes from America. 她是美国人。(她来自美国)
否定句:She doesn't come from America. 她不是美国人。(她不是来自美国)
疑问句: "Does she come from America?" 她是美国人么?
肯定回答: "Yes, she does." 是的,她是美国人。
否定回答:"No, she doesn't." 不,她不是美国人。
