

How do you ask someone's age in English? Here are three ways to express it:
1. How old are you?
2. What is your age?
3. When were you born?
Additional Information:
Key Vocabulary Explanation:
1. Old
- Adjective: Ancient, outdated; referring to someone who is elderly.
- Noun: Ancient times.
2. Age
- Noun: The number of years a person has lived; an era; lifespan, duration; a stage.
- Verb: To mature; to grow old.
- Transitive verb: To cause to mature; to make old, to age.
The Usage and Derivatives of "Age":
1. As a Noun:
- "Age" essentially means age, age, and can extend to mean a long time, or a significant period marked by a particular characteristic, or named after a notable individual. It can also refer to an era in history or a geological or archaeological period.
- "Age" is used as a countable or uncountable noun. When referring to age in a general sense, it is often used in the singular. However, when specifying individual ages or when "age" is followed by specific ages, it is used in the plural form.
2. As a Verb:
- "Age" can be used as a transitive verb, meaning to cause something to age, or as an intransitive verb, meaning to grow old.
- When used transitively, it takes a noun or pronoun as its object.