
麻烦英语高手帮我翻译一下!!我的名字里有个焓字 要在INS里取名焓仙女的英文 因为焓是名词 一种矿物质的意思 所以翻译软件翻出来都是enthalpy 我想把焓音译成han 怎么和仙女fairy这个词连在一起比较好

We received feedback from your supplier about the big box is thinner than the sample box. Because this paper is made of hand, the thickness of the paper is not uniform, so the thickness of the box is 0.4mm, and the thickness of the box is 0.2mm. Would you like to ask the thickness of the 0.2mm box, can you accept? I am really sorry, because we lack experience in the production of this paper, so we did not consider this issue.