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The city of the sky "(the sky and ラ city ピ ュ タ) is Japanese studio ghibli in 1986 release the animated film. The sky city, supervision, and the original script character set is by hayao miyazaki, make this work from beginning to end the concept is filled with him. In the sky in the city of castles in the air, Laputa (at) are generally considered from British writer Jonathan swift well-known novel gulliver's travels (published in the fly in 1726). Therefore developed after the online.

第1个回答  2010-08-27
The sky is a city of Jonathan Swift wrote from the miyazaki Gulliver's Travels novel "(Gulliver travel and creative initiation), some people think that the film is more traditional story, but that does not mean it is not new, on the contrary, the sky city filled with many a new element. Almost perfectly in the film portrays the story happened in the world, the era of landscape, and a little bit sci-fi colour and mythology of the European industrial revolution period, such as elevated railroad train, but the old mines, the empty boat fly like clay sculpture, the robot, etc...
天空之城》是一部宫崎骏由Jonathan Swift写的小说《Gulliver's Travels》(格列佛游记)萌生创意而作的电影,某些人认为其故事情节较为传统,但这不等于它没有新意,相反,《天空之城》一剧充满了很多新元素。电影中近乎完美地刻画出故事所发生时代的世界的景观,有点科幻色彩,也有点神话色彩,还有点欧洲工业革命时期的味道,诸如高架铁轨上的旧式火车,黑漆漆的矿洞,飞空艇,像泥塑的机器人等等……