《神秘博士》中 River 和 Doctor 的时间是怎样进行的


总体来说river和博士的时间是倒着来的,编剧魔法特是这么解释的。(As creator Steven Moffat tells the show, "I've never found River Song's timeline that complicated. It's just, she has the adventures roughly, broadly in reverse order to the Doctor.")



总结:River一出生就被绑架了,这个时候她叫做Melody Pond。她被作为杀死博士的秘密武器养大,被扔到纽约,并且第一次重生。然后她作为Mels跟Amy和Rory一起长大,看着她俩相爱,但是这个时候她只知道她是要去杀Doctor的,并不知道自己会成为未来的River Song。她给了博士一个有毒的吻,博士挂了。但是她这个时候发现自己将来会爱上博士,将来自己作为River会有怎样的人生,所以她用自己剩余的重生能量救活了博士。这个时候博士给了她一本Tardis日记,将来他俩在不同的时间点再见面的时候就可以对比一下看看两个人的时间点。后来Silience要让River穿宇宙服去干掉博士。但是这时候她已经不愿意再去杀博士了,所以时空崩溃了,也就是说原本时空是按照博士挂掉的顺序进行的。为了拯救时空,博士必须在逃脱了自己的死亡的同时让别人以为他死了,所以River还是被作为杀死博士的人被抓进监狱了(每次逃狱她自己又会回去)。从这个时候开始,她的时间线就跟博士的开始反方向跑了。

I was born in battle, on an asteroid called Demon's Run. I was the daughter of Amy Pond and Rory Williams. They named me Melody Pond. I was kidnapped, taken by Kovarian, a servant of the Silence, to an orphanage on Earth.

I was raised with only one purpose: to kill the Doctor.
I escaped the spacesuit and lived on the streets. Homeless, alone and dying. Until I regenerated.

And became the best friend of young Amy and Rory. Growing up with my parents. Waiting for the arrival of the Doctor. And then I regenerated into a new form. I was the woman who would become River Song. Although I didn't know that at the time.
I was born to kill the Doctor. And I did so with a kiss. A kiss poisoned by the Judas tree. But I was shown who River Song would be, and I saw just how much I would love him. And I so I gave all my remaining lives to restore his. Because I knew the Doctor was worth it.

And in return, he left me the most wonderful gift. (Referring to the blank diary.) I knew that some day I would find the Doctor. (We see her going to archeology school.) But the spacesuit was waiting for me.

But I just couldn't bring myself to kill him. And so, all of time collapsed. And only the Doctor could save the universe.

Rule one: the Doctor lies. He escaped his own death. A secret I knew I had to keep. Even though it meant imprisonment. But I've always been good at escaping.

From this point on, I realized I knew more than him. (At this point, we see her telling Rory she can't be with the Doctor until the end, and then their meeting as adults, at Demon's Run.)

From that moment on, we were living our lives in the wrong order, the Doctor and me. And in all our future meetings, I would know him more, and he would know me less.
Until one day the Doctor would invite me to watch me kill him. Once again I found myself at Lake Silencio, folding back on my own timeline. This time a witness to the Doctor's shooting, knowing everything but unable to tell those who cared the most that the Doctor would survive.

Back to the orphanage where I grew up, but this time as witness to my own escape. (Shooting all the Silence in the tunnels.) Did I mention I was kick-ass with a gun? No-one kidnaps me and gets away with it.

And then came his first kiss and my last.

But I always knew the Doctor would be there for me, so long as I left him a message. (Referring to the giant carving in the cliff wall.) He would always be there to catch me. (Flying out of the spaceship.) Even at the crash of the Byzantium he came, my love couldn't resist it — bringing with him an Amy Pond who did not know me.

(And then we see Amy and Rory with River in the garden, drinking wine.) I finally let Amy know the wonderful secret — that the best man I ever knew was alive. However delighted they were, I knew a far worse day was waiting for me: My last encounter with the Doctor. I always knew that one day my love wouldn't know me. Now I looked into his eyes and saw that day had come.

The Doctor was willing to sacrifice himself to save the Library. But I had to take his place. But that man, that impossible man, never gives up. The Doctor saved me, preserving me in a computer. And all my glorious memories of the Doctor live on. Because just sometimes, everybody lives.