

有些情况下,这种说法很荒诞甚至只不过是唬唬人而已。然而,确实存在一些真正的理由让企业不喜欢雇用应届毕业生。企业对应届毕业生的抱怨如下:1.When recent graduates can't find a suitable job they settle for any job, knowing that they will continue to search for a better job while working at a firm temporarily. many quit within a month.应届毕业生一时半会找不到合心意的工作时就会先选择就业,暂时先在一个公司工作一段时期接着继续寻找更好的工作。许多这样的员工会在一个月内就辞职。2.Many college graduates go to work for a company and quit without giving any advance notice if and when they decide to quit. Training new employees cost companies money. it is only fair that a person advises their employer, at least 2 weeks in advance of their proposed quitting time.很多大学生在一个公司工作不久后没有提前跟人事部提出请求就擅自离职。公司花费很多成本在员工培训上面。如果想辞职,至少要提前两个星期就递交辞呈,这样对公司才公平。3.New graduates don't show any initiative by learning and doing things on their own. they wait for the manager to tell them what to do task by task.应届毕业生主动性不强,缺乏独立行动力。他们总是要等待上司的指令。4.New graduates don't show any layalty to their employer. they are only interested in instant gratification and when it doesn't happen, complain or prepare to find another job.应届毕业生忠诚度不高。他们只对即时的利益感兴趣,如果没有得到这个利益,他们就会抱怨,或者准备寻找另外的工作。5. New graduates don't try to learn how to improve the company or how to reach company goals on their own.应届毕业生并没有想着如何改善公司,或者想着如何达到公司的目标。Yes, there are more, but these 5 factors give us a good idea of what things irritate employers. What we mustn't forget that if we indulge in these practices and attitude we only make it worse for other graduating students behind us.还有更多的理由。但是这5个理由已经足以证明公司为什么不喜欢雇用应届毕业生。但是,我们必须要警惕,如果还继续抱有以上所提到的思想或者持续这样的做法,只会对未来的应届毕业生造成更坏的影响。Yes, i will be the first to agree that there are many unscrupulous companies out there who are only interested in lining their own pockets(building their own wealth). However, we must still understand that without employers there would be no jobs. Hence, our real goal should be to show our real value to the employer and change their thinking towards the new employee(you) so that they will act in fairness towards you.当然,这个社会上也存在许多不道德的企业,只注重自己的利益。但是,我们必须明白,没有雇主,就没有工作。因此我们真正的目标应该是向雇主展示我们自己真正的价值,改变他们对你的看法,然后他们也会公平地对待你。