

[摘要] 学校人事工作是维系学校教育教学工作各个环节的纽带,是架设在各部门之间的桥梁。人事工作面向全体教职工以及各个部门,每一项工作都直接关系到教职工的切身利益,人事干事必须时刻将教职工的利益放在第一位,树立“全心全意为教职工服务的思想”,摆正位置、端正心态。[关键词]用心做好;学校;人事管理工作Abstract: School personnel maintain school education and teaching all aspects of the link bridge is erected between the various departments. Personnel work for all faculty and each department, every job is directly related to the vital interests of the faculty, the Personnel Officer must always give top priority to the interests of the faculty, establish services to serve as faculty thought , put the location, the correct attitude.Key words: Good intentions; schools; personnel management中图分类号:G47文献标识码: A 文章编号:学校人事工作是维系学校教育教学工作各个环节的纽带,是架设在各部门之间的桥梁。(剩余2381字)