

honest adj 诚实的;正直的
brave adj 勇敢的
Loyal adj 忠诚的;忠心的
wise adj 英明的;明智的;聪明的
handsome adj 英俊的;大方的;美观的
smart adj 聪明的;漂亮的;敏捷的
argue vt 争论;辩论
△solution n 解答;解决办法;解决方案
classical adj 古典的;古典文学的
fond adj 喜爱的;多情的;喜欢的
fond of 喜欢;爱好
match n 火柴
mirror n 镜子
fry vt&vi 油煎;油炸
gun n 炮;枪
hammer n 锤子;槌
saw n&vt&vi 锯
rope n 绳;索;绳索
△compass n 罗盘;指南针
movie n 电影
cast vt&vi 投掷;投射;抛
△survive vt 幸免于;从……中生还
vi 幸存
deserted adj 荒芜的;荒废的
hunt vt&vi&n 打猎;猎取;搜寻
hunt for 搜索,追寻;寻找
in order to 为了
share vt&vi 分享;共有;分配
n 共享;份额
sorrow n 悲哀;悲痛
care about 担心;关心
feeling n.触觉;知觉;感觉;情绪
such as 例如
airplane n 飞机
△parachute n 降落伞
lie n 谎话;谎言
speech n 演说;讲话;语音
adventure n&vt&vi 冒险;冒险经历
notebook n 笔记本;笔记本式电脑
△scared adj 恐惧的
△e-pal n 网友
drop sb a line 给某人写信(通常指写短信〉
△formal adj 正式的;正规的
error n 错误;差错
bathroom n 浴室;盥洗室;厕所
make oneself at home 别客气
towel n 毛巾
△landlady n 女房东;老板娘
closet n 壁橱;储藏室
pronounce v 发音;宣告;断言
broad adj 宽的
repeat vt&vi 重做;重复;复述
n 重复;反复
△ketchup n 蕃茄酱;蕃茄沙司
majority n 多数;大半
native adj 本国的;本地的
n 本地人;本国人
total n 总数;合计
adj 总的;全部的;整个的
in total 总共
△the United Kingdom 英国
tongue n 舌头;语言;口语
△mother tongue 母语
equal adj 相等的;胜任的
vt 等于;比得上
government n 政府;内阁
situation n 情形;境遇;
except for 除了……之外
international adj 国际的;世界的
organization n 组织;机构;团体
trade n 贸易;商业
tourism n 旅游;观光
global adj 全球的;球形的
communicate vi 交际;沟通;传达(感情、信息等)
communication n 交流;通讯;通信
exchange vt&n 交换;交流;兑换
service n 服务,服务性工作
signal n 信号
movement n 运动;动作;运转
△peg n 钉;栓;桩
commander n 司令官;指挥官
tidy vt&vi 整理:收拾
adj 整齐的;整洁的
stand n 台;看台;摊,摊位
stay up 不睡,熬夜
come about 发生
independent adj 独立自主的
fall n 秋天;瀑布
expression n 短语;表情
end up with …告终
typhoon n 台风
△tornado n 旋风;龙卷风
)publish vt 发表;出版;公布
southern adj 南方的;南部的
△statement n 陈述;声明;综述
president n 总统;校长;行长;会长
European adj 欧洲的;欧洲人的
bring in 引进;引来
a great many 许许多多;极多
howl vi&n 嚎叫;怒吼;嚎哭
cookbook n 食谱
compare vt 比较
replace vt 替换
consider vt 考虑;照顾;认为
means n 手段;方法
transportation n 运输;运送
board n 上(船、飞机等)
△destination n 目的地
experience vt&n 体验;经历;经验
simply adv 仅仅;只不过;
get away from 逃离
△raft vi 乘筏
n 木筏
vacation n 假期;休假
nature n 自然;自然界;本性
basic adj 基本的
n 基本;要素
equipment n 装备;设备
simple adj 简单的
△backpack n 背包
tip n 指点;忠告;尖端;小费
watch out 注意;当心
△spider n 蜘蛛
poisonous adj 有毒的;有害的;恶毒的
protect sb/sth from 保护、保卫某人(某事物)
△cellphone n 手机
paddle vi 划桨;涉水。vt 用桨划
n 短桨;划桨
stream n 溪;川;流
normal adj 正常的;正规的;标准的
n 正规;常态
excitement n 刺激;兴奋;激动
adventurous adj 喜欢冒险的;充满危险的
handle vt 操作; 处理
n 柄;把手
similarity n 类似;类似处
particular adj 特别的;特殊的
poison n 毒药;毒害
vt&vi 毒害;投毒
separate adj 单独的;分开的
vt 分开;隔离
see sb off 到火车站、飞机场等处为某人送行
eco-travel n 生态旅游
combine vt&vi (使)联合;(使)结合
on the other hand 另一方面
△responsibly adv 负责地
as well as 也;还;而且
task n 任务;作业
△unpack vt&vi 打开(包裹、行李等);卸货
unforgettable adj 难忘的
△seismograph n 地动仪;测震仪
host vt 主办或主持某活动
n 主人
take place 发生;产生
on fire 失火
scare vt 恐吓 vi 受惊吓
disaster n 灾难;灾祸
finally adv 最后;终于
rescue n &vt 援救;营救
△Flora 弗洛拉(女子名)
△roar n 轰鸣;咆哮;怒号
advance vt& vi 前进;提前
n 前进;提升
upon prep 在……之上
seize vt 抓住;逮住;夺取
swallow vt 咽;淹没;吞没
n 吞咽;燕子
drag vt 拖;拖曳
pull sb up 把....往上曳
struggle vi 努力;挣扎;奋斗
n 竞争;努力;奋斗
get on one’s feet 站立起来
fight vi 搏斗;斗争;争吵
f1ow n&vi 流动
fright n 惊骇;吃惊
shake n&vt 震动; 颤抖
vt 摇动;摇
△stair n (阶梯的)一级;楼梯
△boom n 隆隆声
vt&vi 发隆隆声
strike vt&vi 击打;打动
△crack vi 发破裂声;劈啪地响
第1个回答  2013-10-25
1.I'like (to pay )(pay)for the meal.
2.The T-shirt (fits )(fit)me very well.
3.Amy (carries )(carry)a pretty bag in her hand.
4.I have a new e-friend(called )(call)Tommy.
5.I always tell myself(to study )(study)hard.
6.It's time for me (to change )(change)my lifestyle now.
7.Annie( dresses )(dress)herself as a princess at the party.
8.My father likes to have some soup before (eating )(eat)rice.
9.The teacher tells us to stop (shouting )(shout).
10.You can eat an apple or an orange between(meals )(meal).
11.We need to do a lot of things to keep ourselves ( fit)(fit).
12.There is a restaurant on the (first )(one) floor of the shopping mall.
13.My sister is the( best)(good)student in her class.
14.Thank you for (organizing )(organize) the trip to Nanjing.
15.I have a lot of ( homeworks)(homework)to do today.
16.How many (swimmer )(swim) are there in the swimming pool now?
17.I go to the Reading Club (twice )(two)a week.
18.Look!The baby is ( )(sleep)now.
19.Tom ( spends)(spend)100yuan on his new shirt.
20.Sandy often (sends )(send)e-mails to her e-friends.
21.Mike ( wishes)(wish)that his team can win the game
22.I spend ( part)(part)of the time in visting the zoo.
23 don't like the show because it's (boring )(bore).
24(Finally )(final),our school wins the match.
25.( Younger)(young)people always like to try something new.
26 Changjiang River is the (Longest )(long)riverin China,
27.teacher teaches us to find the right (way )(way)of studying.
28.They'll ( meet)(meet)at 8'00a tomorrow.
.We contact each other by() (send)e-mails.
1.is,best,China,player,the ,Yao Ming,basketball,in.
( Yao Ming is the best basketball player in China).
(We do not often have dinner in a restaurant ).
( What do you think of that supermarket?).
( How many hours do you sleep eveery day?)
5.dress,Monkey ,Tom,to,King,up,wants,as
( Tom wants to dress up as Monkey King)
1. I know the news from the ( newspapers) (报纸)
2.Kitty and her sister (Both ) (两个都)like reading.
3.Our class are going to have a (trip ) (旅行)this Sunday.
4.The question is too (difficult )(难的)for me to answer.
5.I like doing my homework in the ( library)(图书馆).