求高手帮忙编英语对话!急!如题 谢谢了

一个题目为some important things in our life(一生中一些重要的事)的四人对话,开头是一个角色说:“昨天看了一个大学生辩论赛,辩论的是一生中一些重要的事………”主要涉及财富(wealth)、健康(health)、快乐(应该知道- -)、家庭(family),四位角色也是辩论似的形式讨论此题。请位高手帮我编一下,要快点,至于多少大概要写满两张纸,帮忙~~拜托了

Sone important things in our life Wealth,health,happniess and family A: What do you think is the most important in those four B; For me, I think is wealth. Because If you have wealth,you can have a good health care, you can be more happy, and you have more money to give your family a better enivorment. C; No, that is so wrong, money cant buy anything, like health, you can get a good health care, but having wealth take time and you need to work harder, so you dont have time to care about yourself. D, Yes, I agree with C, and money cant but happniess, you work so hard to get wealth, but are you happy to do that, working 10 hours a day and having no rest. I think that wealth cant buy happniess either. A; Yeah, I do agree with C and D, I think money cant buy family either, Family need time to spend with each other, you dont have time to spend with your family. B: So what do you thing is the most important than? A: Family, family support you for anything, family care about you, so family for my is most important C: I think is happniess, if you happy, you can make the other happy, that it's something that wealth cant do. D: I believe is health, if you not health you wont be happy, your family will not happy, and something money cant save you either, health is the most important in those four. ABC: Yeah, I guess D was right.
