

A;good morning, sir
B;morning, Joe,
A;what's the topic, please? 今天的口试主题是什么
B;um, let me ask you some questions about your likes and dislikes, any problem?恩…我提问一些关于你 的喜好的问题吧,怎么样?
A;ok, let's begin.没问题,我们开始吧,
B;what's your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么
A;um, i like to eat fruit and vegetables such as apple, banana,mushroom, tomato and so on, um,how about you?恩…我喜欢吃水果和蔬菜像苹果香蕉蘑菇和西红柿等,你呢?
B;me too, um, do you have a idol?我也是,恩…你有偶像吗?
A;you mean my favourite actor or scientists ect? um, i am a crazy fan of li yuchun, the female singer who looks like a handsome boy你是指我喜欢的演员或科学家吗,恩…我非常崇拜李宇春,就是那个很像帅小伙的女歌手
B;oh, i see, why do you like her?哦,你为什么崇拜她呢
A:unlike many other fans, i like her not only beacuase the style of her songs ,but because what she did,我跟其他的粉丝不一样,我喜欢她不仅仅是因为她歌曲风格,更是因为她的所作所为
B;so ,what did she do?那,她都有哪些所作所为呢
A;she did a lot to realize her dream of becoming a singer, and that's the point where she should be respected!她为了实现她成为一名歌手的梦想付出了很多,那正是大家只得尊敬的地方
B;yes , you're right.i'm glad to have a talk with you, see you恩,是啊。很高兴今天能跟你谈话,再见
A;me too, thanks, bye我也是,谢谢再见
口语跟作文不一样,像um, yeah, oh等语气词多用一下会有很好的效果。但我有一点不明白,你想要什么样的图片呢,是关于谈话内容主题的吗
第1个回答  2010-12-12
My favourite movie is transformer. This film was made in America. It used a lot of high-techs and computer special effects. I like it very much. This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. Besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us. This film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger. It also have a lot of robot troys I like. This is my favourite movie.
第2个回答  2010-12-13
A:hey man,what's up?
B:hey what's up man ,how're you doing?
A:good,so what do you say we play some basketball?
B:alright, My favorite sport is basketball.
A:Really? Me too. And my favorite basketball player is Kobe...
(after the game)
A:That was some nice moves man!
B:Not bad,huh?
A:yeah,the way you dribbled the ball(运球) and that reverse lay-up(拉杆上篮),how'd you do that?
B:well you know I'm a big fan of Kobe,and i stole some moves from him.
A:I got an another question. You know when you shoot(投篮),you could possibly miss(投失) 5 or 6 shots in a row,then you'll get cranky,and you're gonna miss more jumpshots.How do you handle that kinda situation?
B:well,first of all,consistency(投篮稳定性) is comes from training,the more you do it,the more consistent you get,and second of all,there's not that much to think about,you just keep moving forward.no matter what happens,just keep moving forward.you miss a shot,keep moving forward,you miss 5 or 6 shots in a row,just keep moving forward,cuz you know,if you keep shooting,you might make 7 or 8 in a row.
A:thanks man
