

English:Los Angeles, located in the southwest of California, is the second largest city in the United States and the largest city in the west of the United States. It is often called "city of angels". Los Angeles covers an area of 1215 square kilometers. The city's central coordinates are 34 ° 03 'north latitude and 118 ° 15' west longitude. The city has a population of 3.976 million (2016).

中文:洛杉矶(Los Angeles),位于美国加利福尼亚州西南部,是美国第二大城市,也是美国西部最大的城市,常被称为“天使之城”(City of Angels)。洛杉矶面积约1215平方公里,城市中心坐标为北纬34°03′、西经118°15′,全市拥有约397.6万的人口(2016年)。

第1个回答  2021-12-12
Los Angeles
第2个回答  2021-08-06
美国城市洛杉矶 Los Angeles.
在洛杉矶 in Los Angeles.
第3个回答  2021-12-15
可以这么来表达Los Angeles is located in the United States
第4个回答  2021-08-06
Los Angeles is a big city in California USA.