
1 求y=(3-2x-x^2)^1/2的增区间

2 求y=1/[(3+2x-x^2)^1/2]的减区间

第1个回答  2007-07-28
解:1)3-2x-x^2>0, 由导数可知,当y'=0时,x=-1, 综上,函数增区间为(-3,-1]; 2)同理,3 2x-x^2>0, y'=0时解得x=1, 综上,减区间为[1,3);
第2个回答  2007-07-28
1。Y=3-2X-X^2 x的对称轴为x=-1 开口向下
2。求y=2/-x^2+2x+3减区间 求-x^2+2x+3的减区间
x的对称轴为1 所以(1,正无穷)本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2007-07-28
Solve their derivatives,respectively. Let the first derivative is greater than zero and the second smaller than zero. The denominators in the derivatives are greater than zero. By solving the inqualities systems, we can obtain that the intervals are all (-3,0).
第4个回答  2019-10-24