

摘要:上个世纪九十年代,在我国由计划经济向市场经济转轨时期,司法腐败成为司法领域中比较突出的问题时,错案责任追究制度就运而生了。法院企图通过错案责任追究制度,用各种惩戒手段在系统内部对法官施加压力,促使法官公正司法。制度的初衷对保障诉讼当事人的合法权益,提高审判人员的素质和确保案件得到公正的审理无疑具有积极意义。相反,在实践过程中,错案追究制的弊端却不断出现。 本文主要谈谈我国法院错案追究制度的现状并对此情况作出一些改善的建议。


第1个回答  2007-07-08
Topic : China's courts system of investigating wrong with the status quo thinking Abstract :'90s of the last century. in China from a planned economy to a market economy during the transition period, judicial corruption in the judicial field as a prominent problem, wrong on the accountability system for the transport and health. Court in an attempt to misjudgments accountability system, using all kinds of means of discipline within the system to put pressure on a judge prompted the judge to administer justice impartially. The original intention of the system to protect the legitimate rights and interests of litigants. improve the quality of judicial personnel and ensure that cases can be fairly tried undoubtedly have positive significance. On the contrary, the process of practice and misjudgments system for investigating abuses continued to arise. This paper mainly talk about our court system the wrong pursue this situation and make some recommendations for improvement.本回答被提问者采纳