in one's favor的例句


There's just one last favor I need to ask of you. I'd be happy to help you in any way I can.
这正是我最后的一件事,需要你帮个忙的。我很高兴在我力所能及的任何方面来帮助你。However, one righteous man among all the people of that time, Noah, found favor in God's eyes.但是在这千百万人中,上帝看到了一位有公义的人,他就是诺亚。
If you wish to lower yourself in a person's favor, one good way is to tell his story over again, the way we heard it.
Drop one's own idea in favor of an idea the team wants to develop, and Refuse to let an idea drop until everyone understands it.

Arthas: There's still one chance. Help me claim Frostmourne! If it's as powerful as you said, it might tilt the scales in our favor!

In fact, I should feel lucky, the old men like age such as her all almost walked, but I still can can look after she in one's remaining years, with filial her, this God to my greatest favor.
第1个回答  2011-08-03
In mother's favor brother geting selfisher and selfisher个人见解