下面这句话中时间状语“the first time”的定语从句,替换为宾语“a girl”的定语从句后有语法错误吗?

替换前:Such an experience befell a certain young girl the first time she was traveling alone.(一个小姑娘第一次单独出门就碰到了这种情况。)——《新概念英语》
这句话中时间状语“the first time”的定语从句为“she was traveling alone”,省略了关系副词“when”或“that”(关系副词一般只有在非正式文体中才能省略吧,为什么在这句话中也能省略呢?);
替换后:Such an experience befell a certain young girl who was traveling alone the first time.
这句话中的宾语“a girl”的定语从句为“who was traveling alone”。

首先the first time引导的其实是时间状语从句,它本身就可以引导一个从句,不必要将she was traveling alone视为定语从句。如果视为定语从句,when是可以省略的,因为人们已经接受了。但是尽量不要在非正式问题中省略。
对于第二个问题,替换以后定语从句没有问题。但是the first time要改为for the first time。因为the first time不能单独构成时间状语。但是它可以充当一个连词。当用作时间状语时,需要一个介词for,表示第一次。追问

补充说明:as soon as, the moment, every time, each time, the minute, the instant, the day, the week, the year, the first time,next time, any time, the last time, all the time, from the time, by the time, immediately, instantly, directly等表示时间的词语,后面也可以接时间状语从句
