朱自清的《春》英文版 别让我自己翻译 哪位英语达人帮帮我 今天下午就要啊 谢谢


Looking forward, looking forward, to the east, the spring approaches. Attempt to wake up all the way, Xinxin Ran opened his eyes. Long-run up the mountain, the water rose up, sun blushed up. Grass secretly drilled out from the earth, and tender, and green. Garden, the fields, look to, a large a large full of. Sitting, lying, playing two roll, kick kicks the ball game a few times to run, catch a few back to dodge. Fine, quietly, soft grass. Peach, apricot, pear, you will not let me, I will not let you, are full of flower children rush times. Red like fire, like Xia powder, white as snow. Flower with a sweet child; Bile Yan, seems to have a tree full of peaches, Myolie, pear children. Flowers the bees buzzing downtown next spring Chengqianchengbai
With the size of the butterfly flying. Wild flowers are everywhere: mixed gentile, have names, not names, scattered in the grass, like eyes, like stars, also ah blink blink. "Cold Wind in the Willows surface is not blowing," good, feeling like a mother's hand on you. The wind turned the earth to bring some new flavor, mixed with grass taste, there are a variety of fragrant flowers, are slightly wet air brewing. Birds will nest in safety among the leaves and flowers, cheer up, and persuade their friends to show off the crisp throat, sing the song reverberates with the breeze and the water should be. Piccolo cowboy cattle back, this time that loud ringing all day long. Spring
Rain is most unusual, what is three days. But do not get mad. Look like hairs, like a flower pin, like filaments, to twill weave with thick, full Longzhe people on the roof of a thin layer of smoke. Shiny green leaves Erque, young children also have to force the grass to your eye. Evening when the lights, and a little yellow halo of light, express a quiet and peaceful night. In the countryside, a small road, stone edge, there are people who hold up the umbrella, walking slowly, the ground work of the farmers there, dressed in Mino wearing Li. Their houses, venues tend sparse, was silent in the rain. Sky kite increasing in number, on the ground more children. City, country, every household, Laolaoxiaoxiao, child-like to drive times, one came out. Shuhuo Shuhuojingu, Dousou bracing, each doing something to a child. "The spring", just from the head, some work, some hope. Spring relic floor of the doll, from head to toe are new, and it grows. Spring like a little girl, gorgeously dressed, with a smile, walking. Spring as robust youth, there is an iron-clad arms and waist and feet, led us on the go.追问


第1个回答  2012-01-02

