
I was in France on holiday, staying in a friend's cottage and one day we decided to go for a trip on the river. So we went along to a place on the river where you could hire canoes. And a friend, who prided himself on being rather good at speaking French, went in to hire the canoes; we decided we needed three, so he asked for "trois canneurs" which he thought was the French for "three canoes". We got our canoes; we spent the afternoon on the river; we came back. And Stephen went in to return the canoes and collect the deposit he's paid on them. And as he walked in the door, they said " Ah, hello Mr Troiscanneurs ... "

我个人理解啦,不一定准确。上文是说可以用打电话的方式教学生颜色的英语单词。首先,电话铃声和green的发音接近,可以用green模拟铃声。其次,yellow的发音与hello打招呼的发音相似。同样的,white与what的发音相似。至于pink,我还没想出来,由标点和hang up推断可能是结束语吧。追问


