

xxx students on January 20, 2010 at the Division I units of credit, internships, one-month internship period, his outstanding performance, to be leaders and colleagues unanimously affirmed.
xxx students to work pro-active, the right attitude, with an open mind to learn from colleagues about the credit knowledge, the university learned knowledge and apply it in practical classes, learning materials and location of the sections through the exchange of personnel, his basic understanding of the basic flow of credit business and relevant policies and regulations, at the same time , but also assist with some of his whatever administrative work, which was a pro-active working attitude of our colleagues at home. At the same time, he stick with my unit the relevant rules and regulations, does not appear the phenomenon of absenteeism, etc., live in harmony with colleagues, exchange harmony.
Xxx hope students continue to participate in various social activities, and constantly seek self-improvement to become a high-quality college students to adapt to social development, and lay a solid foundation for
第1个回答  2010-02-09