



The insurance premium pays the research

Content abstract: insurance premium is policy-holder to obtain insurance premium is paid, the contract of insurance, policy-holder need to assume the obligation of the contract. But in practice, the insurance will often appear in the insurance application, the applicant and pay head period insurance premium, but the insured fails to issue the policy immediately, while in this period was produced insurance accident, the underwriter gives pay, causing damages or legal action, Or the applicant and the insurer of insurance contract signed for a variety of reasons, but failed to pay the premium, and the delay, but the premium paid during the insurance accident that happened, the underwriter gives pay, causing damages or legal action, For a variety of reasons or the applicant fails to pay insurance premium, timely renewal until the grace period, and in this period was produced insurance accident, the underwriter gives pay, which also compensate for or caused a lawsuit. From the China insurance system of legislation and practice and related analysis, combined with the practical theory, legislation, proposes the establishment temporarily commitment system, the insurer shall decide whether an applicant for the before you make a commitment to provide temporary insurance protection, And explained the policy-holder pay head period insurance premium and idle delay renewal premium should bear the legal responsibility, to solve the dispute of similar insurance provides basis, in order to protect the interests of both sides of policy-holder and underwriter.

First period insurance premium

Extends the insurance premium

renewed commitment system

第1个回答  2009-06-03
Insurance premiums
Content abstract: insurance premium is policy-holder to obtain insurance premium is paid, the contract of insurance, policy-holder need to assume the obligation of the contract. But in practice, the insurance will often appear in the insurance application, the applicant and pay head period insurance premium, but the insured fails to issue the policy immediately, while in this period was produced insurance accident, the underwriter gives pay, causing damages or legal action, Or the applicant and the insurer of insurance contract signed for a variety of reasons, but failed to pay the premium, and the delay, but the premium paid during the insurance accident that happened, the underwriter gives pay, causing damages or legal action, For a variety of reasons or the applicant fails to pay insurance premium, timely renewal until the grace period, and in this period was produced insurance accident, the underwriter gives pay, which also compensate for or caused a lawsuit. From the China insurance system of legislation and practice and related analysis, combined with the practical theory, legislation, proposes the establishment temporarily commitment system, the insurer shall decide whether an applicant for the before you make a commitment to provide temporary insurance protection, And explained the policy-holder pay head period insurance premium and idle delay renewal premium should bear the legal responsibility, to solve the dispute of similar insurance provides basis, in order to protect the interests of both sides of policy-holder and underwriter.

Keywords: head period insurance premium, insurance premium, renewed commitment system, temporarily本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2009-06-12
Topic: insurance premiums
Content abstract: insurance premium is policy-holder to obtain insurance premium is paid, the contract of insurance, policy-holder need to assume the obligation of the contract. But in practice, the insurance will often appear in the insurance application, the applicant and pay head period insurance premium, but the insured fails to issue the policy immediately, while in this period was produced insurance accident, the underwriter gives pay, causing damages or legal action, Or the applicant and the insurer of insurance contract signed for a variety of reasons, but failed to pay the premium, and the delay, but the premium paid during the insurance accident that happened, the underwriter gives pay, causing damages or legal action, For a variety of reasons or the applicant fails to pay insurance premium, timely renewal until the grace period, and in this period was produced insurance accident, the underwriter gives pay, which also compensate for or caused a lawsuit. From the China insurance system of legislation and practice and related analysis, combined with the practical theory, legislation, proposes the establishment temporarily commitment system, the insurer shall decide whether an applicant for the before you make a commitment to provide temporary insurance protection, And explained the policy-holder pay head period insurance premium and idle delay renewal premium should bear the legal responsibility, to solve the dispute of similar insurance provides basis, in order to protect the interests of both sides of policy-holder and underwriter.

Keywords: head period insurance premium, insurance premium, renewed commitment system, temporarily
第3个回答  2009-06-03
The premium is policy-holder to obtain insurance premium is paid, the contract of insurance, policy-holder need to assume the obligation of the contract. But in practice, the insurance will often appear in the insurance application, the applicant and pay head period insurance premium, but the insured fails to issue the policy immediately, while in this period was produced insurance accident, the underwriter gives pay, causing damages or legal action, Or the applicant and the insurer of insurance contract signed for a variety of reasons, but failed to pay the premium, and the delay, but the premium paid during the insurance accident that happened, the underwriter gives pay, causing damages or legal action, For a variety of reasons or the applicant fails to pay insurance premium, timely renewal until the grace period, and in this period was produced insurance accident, the underwriter gives pay, which also compensate for or caused a lawsuit. From the China insurance system of legislation and practice and related analysis, combined with the practical theory, legislation, proposes the establishment temporarily commitment system, the insurer shall decide whether an applicant for the before you make a commitment to provide temporary insurance protection, And explained the policy-holder pay head period insurance premium and idle delay renewal premium should bear the legal responsibility, to solve the dispute of similar insurance provides basis, in order to protect the interests of both sides of policy-holder and underwriter.
第4个回答  2019-08-26