求一篇以“运动”为话题的英语口语对话,要求一到两分钟讲述...写的好定重谢! 急急急???

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Michael: What kind of exercises do u usually do?
B: Well, I love to do push-ups, and go cycling every day.
A: Why do you like them?
B: They're free of charge anyway.[chuckles].Well, it makes me feel stronger, but the important thing is that it makes me feel good.
A: What else do you do?
B: Swimming, jogging, weight lifting……
A; Wow! That sounds great. How often do you go jogging?
B: I try to do at least a little every day. The key to do exercise is to do it regularly.
A: What are the best exercises for health?
B: I think it's impossible to name one exercise that's good for everyone.
A: What about yoga?
B: Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Yoga now is the most popular exercise in the States. Lots of people are doing that, especially those movie stars. They think it's a good way of losing weight and it can calm you down and make you think of nothing, just concentrate on yourself.
A: That sounds like Chinese breath exercise.
B: What is that?
A: It’s called Qigong. It's just like yoga. You know that stuff, but in a different way.
B: Well, Allen, what's your favorite type of exercise?
A: Sleeping, I guess [chuckles].
第1个回答  2012-06-12
A: what’s your favourite ball sport?
A; I like basketball. I really enjoy watching the NBA games on TV.
B: who’s your favourite player?
A; I don’t really have one but I support Huston.
B; do they have a good team?
A; I think they do, but I’m biased. They have a good manager and a great coach.
B; I can’t keep up with the game. The players play so quickly that I can hardly see what they are doing.
A; I have the same problem. The players are really very skilful. I wish I could play that well.
B; you play for an amateur team, don’t you?
A; yes, I do. We’re doing pretty well this season. We’ve won most of our games, but we’re not top of the league table.
B; how many more games are there this season?
A; we’ve got four more games. I hope we can win all of them.


A; what’s the difference between football and rugby?
B; those tow games are quite different. First, there’s the size of the teams. In football, a team has 11 players. In rugby there are 15 players on each team. The biggest difference is that in football, only the goalkeeper can use his hands. In rugby, the ball is usually carried forward by players, though kicking is permitted.
A; in rugby, players pass the ball by throwing it to team mates, don’t they?
B; that’s right. However, players can only pass the ball backwards. They cannot pass the ball forwards to their team mates. That’s a foul.
A; I know how goals are scored in football, but how about in rugby?
B; if a team carries the ball over the goal line, they score points. A team can also score points by kicking the ball between two tall posts at each end of the pitch.
A; there’s a lot more physical contact in rugby, isn’t there?
B; yes. Players usually need to bring a player down to stop him form moving forward with the ball. This is called”tackling”, as in football.
A: the ball is a different shape in rugby, isn’t it?
B; yes. It’s not perfectly round like a football. A rugby ball is oval in shape. There’s a match on TV this afternoon. Why don’t you watch it with me? I’ll try to explain the rules and tactics while we’re watching.
A; ok.追问


