
一个人力量是微不足道的,与其诅咒黑暗不如点支蜡烛。 这,忠诚的电力之子,这,就是供电人铮铮铁骨下的寸寸柔情!是他们舍小家顾大家,为企业的兴旺发达,为国家的繁荣昌盛,为那万家灯火尽阑珊倾尽的一腔热血!

Have you been through the days without electricity? I belive few of you down there has. However I have been living in this non-electricity age for many years. That was when I was a 1st Grade elementary student. It was in a village and there's no electricity yet. every day when the sun falls, you could not see glowing lights but the quiet tiny spark that covers the village. I sit and did my home work with the candle light on the desk, this light is so dim but so valuable that lighted up a generation lived in that time. Soon after , our party applied many good policies, the rural areas had been implemented the "Power Grid Reform" laterns ,from that time on, have been put in the dust. However the quality of the power is relatively low, once the power break down, the situation would continue for a week sometime. Then our days were back to dark again. As time flies, with many generations of electricity work forces' hard working, the quality of power has been vastly modified.

In our Shangluo Power supply station, there is a worker called Ning Qishui, he did the normal job every day which can not be more normal. But this man's story was told by a lot of people. He go back and forth between the deep montains to record the meter readings, collect the fees and do the repairing. Every month he bought living goods like oil, salt, sources and vinegar to the aged and weak people in the mountain with a basket on his back. In this fifty years, he disciplined himself with a warm heart and a strong willing. 80,000 kilometers have been passed by him which resulted in countless worn off shoes. The goods he brought up to the mountain were countless. His action made people feel that, he brought the electricity and he brought everyone happy to their lives here. He lighted up the true love and hope in the village by his persistance. However he is modest, nomal, peaceful, honest and true. And because of this kind of nomal and truth, people respect him form their heart deep down.

Power of one singal man is week, Why not light the candle instead of curse the dark. This is the loyal son of faith in electricity. this this the soft heart under a electricity worker's bone. They left their family aside for the greater good, for the development of power industry, for the flourishing of the country, and for the fulfillment of light in people's home and heart.

People believe, the respectful job is teacher, as for me, the electricity worker is also noble. Many people don't understand and know sweat of hardworking lies behind our men. When people are resting in the night, how many know what we are concerning about? When people enjoy their leisure time during the holidays, how many know what we are busying on. When the snow and ice causes disasters and people lies in the warm safe quilts. how many know what we are fighting for?

However just because the fight against storm and snow, it moulded the persistance and strength of electricity people, it teaches them how to value each other and show strong spirits. Hardships can't be the obstacles of electricity people, on the contrary, it makes the Power Grid becomes better and stronger. So, every staff of the supply station, plese show out your true smile and high-quality service to every clients. Every day let us use our faith to deliver the image of our power supply firms into every customers' heart by our smile and warmest service

额。。。又累又困~ 一定要给分哦!
第1个回答  2012-08-18
Had anyone been in the time without electricity? I believe many of you present here hadn't, but I had and for quite a few years time.
Long ago when I was a child at the first year of elementary school, no electricity was provided in my vallege.Every night when sun went down hill, only dim beam of light embraced this silent vallge in comparison of the luminating night scence nowadays.I just wrote homework under firefly-like candles; that dim while precious light illuminate lives for the people in that times. THanks to the improving policy, countries become to enjoy the beneficience of "Improving the electricity net in country". Those tought time with candles turned into a thing of past.However, at the very beginning, the electricity didn't work that well. Once the electricity was out of order, our lives were dragged into darkness again for a week at the most. Time files, after the painstaking efforts of serveral generation of electric workers, the quality of electric energy changed dramatically.