
随着科技的发展,互联网的日益普及,人们对知识的需求发生了很大的变化。尤其是21 世纪以来,网络技术的飞速发展和广泛应用,不但对人类以往的生活和工作方式产生了深刻影响,传统意义上的教学方式也由此发生了改变。利用网络资源构建教学网站,可以完全不受时间、地域的限制,实现远程交互式教学,使学生真正做到自由探索和自主学习。教学网站打破了传统教学模式下的时间和空间上的限制,使学生无论何时何地均可以通过访问教学网站来进行学习 ,提问并寻求答案,教师也可以在网上答疑,既方便了学生和教师,又提高了学生的学习效率和教师的教学效率。因此教学网站的设计和开发具有一定的实用前景。本设计主要运用了Access与ASP整合的开发技术,一方面实现了医学院学生登录,在线留言,提供了课件的下载等交互功能,另一方面医生能自主发布医疗新闻,普通用户也能通过在线医询与医生在网上进行简单的交流。本文介绍了利用创建《皮肤病学与性病学》课程教学网站管理系统以及设计制作过程,并简要介绍了所运用的技术和辅助软件。通过该网站,实现了医生和学生,医生和病人之间的互动式教学与交流。

The teaching sites mainly use the Internet teaching methods, which can give students a relaxed learning environment and make them, learn by themselves. This Web Teaching System mainly used the technology of the integration database (SQL 2000) and ASP has succeeded in some basic aspects in teaching, so the students will be able to learn knowledge, and can enhance their interest in learning. The teaching site has broken the traditional mode constraints in time and space, so that students can access through the teaching sites to study, test, ask questions and seek answers in no time. Teachers can also answer questions out of the classroom, which facilitate both the students and teachers and improve the efficiency of the students" learning and the teachers" teaching. So the design of the web teaching system has broad prospects.

With the development of science and technology, the Internet's increasing popularity, the demand for knowledge has changed. Especially since the 21st century, the rapid development of network technology and wide application, not only to human life and the work of the past have had a profound impact on the way, the traditional teaching methods which have changed.Teaching the use of network resources to build websites, can be completely free from time, geographical constraints, interactive remote teaching, so that students truly free to explore and learn independently. Teaching site to break the traditional mode of teaching time and space constraints, so that students anywhere can have access to teaching site for learning, and to seek answers to questions, teachers can also answer questions online, both for the convenience of the students and teachers, but also improves the efficiency of learning and teaching efficiency.Therefore the teaching website design and development prospects have been proved. The design of the main use of the Access and ASP to develop integrated technologies, the realization of the medical students on the one hand, the registry, online messages, the download provides the courseware and other interactive features, on the other hand, medical doctors can release their own news, ordinary users can also online medical consultation with a doctor to carry out a simple online exchange.This article describes the use of the creation of "Dermatology and Venereology" Course Management System and Web site design process, and gave a briefing on the use of technology and supporting software. Through the site, the realization of the doctors and students, between doctors and patients of interactive teaching, learning and communications.

教学网站主要使用互联网的教学方法,它可以让学生轻松的学习环境,让他们了解自己。这网上教学系统,主要用于技术的集成数据库(数据库2000年)和ASP已成功地在一些基本方面,在教学中,使学生能够学到知识,并能提高他们的学习兴趣。教学网站已经打破了传统模式的制约因素在时间和空间,使学生可以通过教学网站,以研究,试验,提出问题并寻求答案,没有时间。教师还可以回答问题走出教室,这促进了学生和教师并提高其效率的学生“学习和教师教学” 。因此,设计网络教学系统具有广阔的前景。
第1个回答  2009-04-15
With the development of science and technology, the Internet's increasing popularity, the demand for knowledge has changed. Especially since the 21st century, the rapid development of network technology and wide application, not only to human life and the work of the past have had a profound impact on the way, the traditional teaching methods which have changed. Teaching the use of network resources to build websites, can be completely free from time, geographical constraints, interactive remote teaching, so that students truly free to explore and learn independently. Teaching site to break the traditional mode of teaching time and space constraints,So that students anywhere can have access to teaching site for learning, and to seek answers to questions, teachers can also answer questions online, both for the convenience of the students and teachers, but also improves the efficiency of learning and teaching efficiency. Therefore the teaching website design and development prospects have been proved. The design of the main use of the Access and ASP to develop integrated technologies, the realization of the medical students on the one hand, the registry, online messages, the download provides the courseware and other interactive features,On the other hand, medical doctors can release their own news, ordinary users through the online medical consultation with a doctor to carry out a simple online exchange. This article describes the use of the creation of "Dermatology and Venereology" Course Management System and Web site design process, and gave a briefing on the use of technology and supporting software. Through the site, the realization of the doctors and students, between doctors and patients of interactive teaching, learning and communications.
第2个回答  2009-04-19
With the development of science and technology, the Internet's increasing popularity, the demand for knowledge has changed. Especially since the 21st century, the rapid development of network technology and wide application, not only to human life and the work of the past have had a profound impact on the way, the traditional teaching methods which have changed. Teaching the use of network resources to build websites, can be completely free from time, geographical constraints, interactive remote teaching, so that students truly free to explore and learn independently. Teaching site to break the traditional mode of teaching time and space constraints,So that students anywhere can have access to teaching site for learning, and to seek answers to questions, teachers can also answer questions online, both for the convenience of the students and teachers, but also improves the efficiency of learning and teaching efficiency. Therefore the teaching website design and development prospects have been proved. The design of the main use of the Access and ASP to develop integrated technologies, the realization of the medical students on the one hand, the registry, online messages, the download provides the courseware and other interactive features,On the other hand, medical doctors can release their own news, ordinary users through the online medical consultation with a doctor to carry out a simple online exchange. This article describes the use of the creation of "Dermatology and Venereology" Course Management System and Web site design process, and gave a briefing on the use of technology and supporting software. Through the site, the realization of the doctors and students, between doctors and patients of interactive teaching, learning and communications. 加油
第3个回答  2009-04-15

With the development of science and technology, the Internet's increasing popularity, the demand for knowledge has changed. Especially since the 21st century, the rapid development of network technology and wide application, not only to human life and the work of the past have had a profound impact on the way, the traditional teaching methods which have changed. Teaching the use of network resources to build websites, can be completely free from time, geographical constraints, interactive remote teaching, so that students truly free to explore and learn independently. Teaching site to break the traditional mode of teaching time and space constraints, so that students anywhere can have access to teaching site for learning, and to seek answers to questions, teachers can also answer questions online, both for the convenience of the students and teachers, but also improves the efficiency of learning and teaching efficiency. Therefore the teaching website design and development prospects have been proved. The design of the main use of the Access and ASP to develop integrated technologies, the realization of the medical students on the one hand, the registry, online messages, the download provides the courseware and other interactive features, on the other hand, medical doctors can release their own news, ordinary users can also online medical consultation with a doctor to carry out a simple online exchange. This article describes the use of the creation of "Dermatology and Venereology" Course Management System and Web site design process, and gave a briefing on the use of technology and supporting software. Through the site, the realization of the doctors and students, between doctors and patients of interactive teaching, learning and communications.本回答被网友采纳