
Although there is little direct evidence relating to the meaning of the holiday for disadvantaged families there are related studies (of women and holidays and of the unemployed and leisure) that served to inform this particular study. Most of the informants in
the research study discussed in this paper were female and no member of any of the families was in full-time employment.
Deem (1996b) studied the holiday experiences of a wide sample of women (travellers and non-travellers) and concluded that for some women `poverty, poor housing and the domestic responsibilities ¼ affect the possibility of engaging in the (tourist) gaze' (p. 112).
Some of her informants had little choice with respect to holidays but to remain at home. The concept of a holiday is ¯uid and holidays at home are not uncommon, although much discussion and, indeed, statistical data centres on the holiday as being characterised by time away from home. Some of Deem's informants
were able to envisage a home-based holiday largely founded on a difference in behaviour but for most the concept of a holiday was still very much bound up with difference of place.


Although there is little direct evidence relating to the meaning of the holiday for disadvantaged families there are related studies (of women and holidays and of the unemployed and leisure) that served to inform this particular study. Most of the informants in
the research study discussed in this paper were female and no member of any of the families was in full-time employment.

Deem (1996b) studied the holiday experiences of a wide sample of women (travellers and non-travellers) and concluded that for some women `poverty, poor housing and the domestic responsibilities ¼ affect the possibility of engaging in the (tourist) gaze' (p. 112).
Deem 这位女作者,系针对女性(旅行者及非旅行者)广泛进行了大量的抽样调查,进行研究她们的节日经历并得出的结论是,对于某些贫穷女性,住房条件较差而且家务责任等问题,占了四分之一的机率影响到她们出外旅游的可能性。(参照第112页).

Some of her informants had little choice with respect to holidays but to remain at home. The concept of a holiday is ¯uid and holidays at home are not uncommon, although much discussion and, indeed, statistical data centres on the holiday as being characterised by time away from home.

Some of Deem's informants
were able to envisage a home-based holiday largely founded on a difference in behaviour but for most the concept of a holiday was still very much bound up with difference of place.

第1个回答  2009-04-20
第2个回答  2009-04-20

第3个回答  2009-04-20
认为( 1996年)研究了假日经验广泛样本的妇女(旅客和非旅客)并得出结论认为,对某些妇女`贫穷,住房和家庭责任¼影响的可能性,从事(旅游)的目光' (第112页) 。
她的一些举报人别无选择关于假期,但留在家里。的概念假期¯ uid和假期在家里的情况并不少见,但许多讨论,事实上,统计数据中心的假期为特点的时间远离家乡。一些迪姆的告密者
Although there is little direct evidence relating to the meaning of the holiday for disadvantaged families there are related studies (of women and holidays and of the unemployed and leisure) that served to inform this particular study. Most of the informants in
the research study discussed in this paper were female and no member of any of the families was in full-time employment.
Deem (1996b) studied the holiday experiences of a wide sample of women (travellers and non-travellers) and concluded that for some women `poverty, poor housing and the domestic responsibilities ¼ affect the possibility of engaging in the (tourist) gaze' (p. 112).
Some of her informants had little choice with respect to holidays but to remain at home. The concept of a holiday is ¯uid and holidays at home are not uncommon, although much discussion and, indeed, statistical data centres on the holiday as being characterised by time away from home. Some of Deem's informants
were able to envisage a home-based holiday largely founded on a difference in behaviour but for most the concept of a holiday was still very much bound up with difference of place.
第4个回答  2009-04-20
认为( 1996年)研究了假日经验广泛样本的妇女(旅客和非旅客)并得出结论认为,对某些妇女`贫穷,住房和家庭责任¼影响的可能性,从事(旅游)的目光' (第112页) 。
她的一些举报人别无选择关于假期,但留在家里。的概念假期¯ uid和假期在家里的情况并不少见,但许多讨论,事实上,统计数据中心的假期为特点的时间远离家乡。一些迪姆的告密者