
THIS coming Sunday is a specidl day for all moms.It is Mother's Day.Cards,flowers,gifts - these are some ways to thank your mother.However,ther are many thing your mother does for you that you might not even know about.Here Teens will tell you some touching stories.Let's have a go!
As Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul tells us:"Mother love is the fuel(推动力) that enables(使能够) a normal human being to do the impossible."In order to honor the great and selfless love of mothers,people choose every second Sunday in May to say "thank you" to their mothers.
Mother's Day began in the US in 1907,when a young American woman named Anna Jarvis started a campaign to honor her mother.She believed that mothers could help people get over the pain(痛苦) they experienced during the Ciuil War(美国内战).On May 12,1907,Anna successfully held a cermony for her mother.
On mother's Day,children usually help their mothers do housework.they also make cards or buy gifts and flowers, like carnations(康乃馨),for their mothers.for their mothers.In Western countries, a common part of the celebration is to treat mothers to breakfast in bed. Kids often allow their mothers to sleep late while they prepare her favorite breakfast.

即将到来的这个周天对所有母亲来说都是比较特殊的一天,因为是母亲节。贺卡、鲜花、礼物---这些都是感谢母亲的几种方式。然而,还有一些东西母亲为自己做了,我们甚至可能还不知道。在这,Teen 将会告诉你几个感人的故事。那我们开始吧。
正如《母亲的心灵鸡汤》所说,母爱是一种推动力,它能够使常人做出不可能的事情。为了感谢母爱的伟大和五四,人们选择在每年五月份的第二个星期天,对自己的母亲说声“谢谢”。母亲节始于1907年美国。当时一个叫Anna Jarvis 的美国妇女开始了一场尊重自己母亲的活动。她相信母亲可以帮助人们摆脱美国内战期间所经受的痛苦。在1907年5月12日,Anna成功地为自己的母亲举办了一个仪式。
第1个回答  2011-05-23
第2个回答  2011-05-23