关于英语的翻译理解问题,详情见补充 请教高手咯!

Still, postulants do spend a lot of time in devotions, in the classroom and doing chores. And Sister Victoria admits it can be a little overwhelming,
"For a couple weeks after I entered I thought, ‘I just want to lay on the couch for the day, and I don't think they do that here.' You know,
when comes the part where I get to lay on the couch?"
最后一句“when comes the part where I get to lay on the couch ” 该怎么理解啊?最好能有语法方面的说明
还有“and I don't think they do that here”中的that 是指的什么啊?是指lay on the couch 还是doing chores啊?
最后 能把从 "For a couple weeks after ...“ 开始到最后 给出译文最好
谢谢啦,3Q very much!

when comes the part where I get to lay on the couch是一句倒装句,主语是the part where I get to lay on the couch, 但是,明显这个主语太长了,如果用正常语序的话就成了:
when does the part where I get to lay on the couch come?句子很难看

从For a couple weeks后的翻译是:
我加入(这里)几周后,我就想,“我白天只想躺在沙发上,但我不觉的他们会这样做(白天只躺在沙发上,因为前面说了,这里a little overwhelming,可能大家都很忙,根本没空去休息)”。什么时候我才能休息一会呀?(这句是我的意译,把握住这整段都是解释上面那句a little overwhelm,她得不到休息)追问

嗯 大体意思明白了 谢谢啦。
the part 中的part是什么意思啊,为什么用where来修饰呢

第1个回答  2011-03-04