我英语对Have(has)和there be不熟悉,下面的题我不会,各位高人请帮帮我,谢谢啦,悬赏分自然不会少的

1,I_____a nice puppet 2,He_____a good friend 3,They______some masks
4,We_____some flowers 5,She_____a duck 6,My father______a new bike
7,Her mother_____a vase 8,Nancy_____many skirts 9,Our_____teacher____an English book 10,Our_____teachers____a basketball 11,Their parents______some blankets 12,David________some jackets 13,My friends_______a football 14,What do you________?What does Mike______?What do your friends______?What does Heleen________? 15,His brother_____a basketball Her sister_____a nice doll Miss Li_____an English book I_____a good father and a good mother 16,_______a telescope on the desk He_____a tape-recorder 17,______a basletball in the piayground.She_____some dresses.They_____a nice garden 18,What do you_____?What dose Mike_____?
19,______a resding-room in the building?_____any books in the bookcase?
20,My father_____a story-book David_____a telescope 21,_____a story-book on the table 22,______any flowers in the vase 23,How many students______in the classroom 24,My parents______some nice pictures 25,______some maps on the wall.______a map of the wall 26,David's friends______some tents

1.have 一般用在主语是 单数人称代词I,you和we,they ,the children, the boys等复数人称代词,以及事物名称是复数形式的时候,如The desks 。
2. 如果是第三人称单数,如 he, she, Jane(具体人名,单数)及其它名词单数时,have 要变化成 has. 如:Our classroom has three windows.(指一间教室,单数)
3.在表示过去的时态中,have,has 都变化成 had,此时不分单数、复数都用 had.
4.注意,在口语中,have,has 一般说成 have got, has got.也就是说,have got 的意思等于 have,而 has got 的意思等于 has,两者意思完全相同,只是一种是一般现在时,一种是过去时。
5.have,has 的一般疑问句式和否定句式,同 be 动词完全相同,就是说,一般疑问句里,把 have,has 移到句首;否定句时在,在 have,has 后面加上 not.

'there be"与"have"译成汉语时都有一个"有"字,二者之间区别
1.there be表示"有"时,侧重于客观存在,常用于"某地(某时)有某物"的句型,至于此物属于谁则无关紧要。
如:Is there anyone in the next room?隔壁房子有人吗?There are five pencils in the pencil-box.铅笔盒中有五支铅笔。 
如:My grandfather has a pet dog.我爷爷有只宠物狗。   Do you have a watch?你有手表吗?
3.有时候there be和have(has)可以互换使用,句子意义没有什么差别。如:We have a lot of time. (=There is a lot of time.)我们时间很多。
4.有些情况下,there be和have是不能互换使用的。例如:
I have two hands.我有两只手。(不能说:There are two hands on my body.)

至于there be的变化问题,主要集中在be动词上面,一般现在时里,只有is / are 两种区别,具体选哪种根据就近原则,即be后面的主语的单复数确定,不管主语有几个(迷惑的地方有些用and连接 如主语是 lily and her friends,乍一看觉得是几个人,其实还是用is, 因为lily是三人称单数),至于be动词的其他时态,如法炮制,都是根据就近原则确定好单复数再变成相应的形式就可以了,there was/ there were; there have/has been; there had been

确定究竟用have/has 还是there be, 看它们的用法规则。 陈述句中,there be一般放在句首,have在陈述中不可单独在句首,前面必须有主语,只能用在句中,除非是疑问句可以提前放在句首
1 have
2 has
3 have
4 have
5 has
6 has
7 has
8 has
9 has
10 have
11 have
12 has
13 have
14 have; have; have; have(这题考的是疑问句中加入助动词do之后have的用法,有do或者does 一律用原形have。 do/did/does作为助动词时,其后的行为动词(也叫实义动词)用原形)
15 has; has; has; have
16 There is ; has
17 There is ; has; have
18 have; have
19 Is there; Are there
20 has; has
21 There is
22 there are
23 are there (此题缺乏谓语,不可以直接用How many students in the classroom,虽然看起来好像没问题,但它不是一个正规成型的句子,
构成一个句子的基本形式是主语和谓语。不管你怎么换或者用,一个句子中你必须让动词或者可以充当动词的东西出现。 另外这不是改错题某些地方可以不作任何改动,既有空白必有单词,所以楼下的答案很不可信啊 )
24 have
25 There are;There is
26 have

第1个回答  2012-08-19
have用于第一人称(I, we),第二人称(you), 及第三人称复数(they);has用于第三人称单数(he, she, it)或单数名词。
I have a book。我有一本书。
Do you have a book?
I don’t have a book。(也可以说I haven’t a book。不常用)

1. there be结构的主谓一致
There was a meeting yesterday. 昨天有个会议。
There is a pen, two books and many pencils on the desk. 桌上有一支钢笔、两本书和好些铅笔。
比较:There are two books, a pen and many pencils on the desk.
2. there be与have的比较
(1) 用法不同:there be 表示某个时间或地方“存在”某人或某物,而have表示主语“拥有”某人或某物,作宾语的某人或某物属主语所有。
(2) 结构不同:there be + sb./sth. +时间/地点(副词或介词短语);sb./sth. + have +sb./sth. else
There are some children in the garden.花园里有几个孩子。
She has three cars. 她拥有三辆汽车。(汽车是属于她的)
A week has seven days. =There are seven days in a week. 一周有七天。
3. there be的否定和疑问
(1) 否定式:be后面加not(any)或no。如:
There are not any boats on the river. 河上没有船。
(2) 疑问句:是把be移到there的前面来。如:
Are there any boat on the river? 河上有船吗?
Yes, there are..(No, there are not.) 有。(没有。)
There won’t be a football match tomorrow, will there? 明天没有足球赛,对吗?
There usedn’t to be a tall tree here, used/didn’t ther? 以前这里有棵高树,是不是?
There seems to be something wrong with you, doesn’t there? 你好像有些不舒服,对吗?
There happened to be a well there, didn’t there? 那里碰巧有口井,是不是?

4. there be结构的时态
there be结构有不同的时态,而且可以和各种助动词或情态动词连用。如:
There was a sport meeting in the playground yesterday. 昨天运动场举行了一场运动会。
There will be (=There is going to be) a new film show on Monday. 星期一将有一场新电影放。
There is to be a concert at the school hall. 学校礼堂有场音乐会。
There have been a lot of accidents round here. 这里已经发生多起事故了。
He told me that there had been an argument between them. 他告诉我们之间发生了一场争论。
There will have been a definite result by Friday. 到星期五前就已经有明确的结果了。
There must be a mistake somewhere. 一定在什么地方有错误。
There must have been a rain last night, for the ground is wet. 昨晚一定下了雨,因为地是湿的。追问



1,I___have__a nice puppet 2,He___has__a good friend 3,They____have__some masks
4,We__have___some flowers 5,She__has___a duck 6,My father_has_____a new bike
7,Her mother_has____a vase 8,Nancy___has__many skirts 9,Our_____teacher__has__an English book 10,Our_____teachers_have___a basketball 11,Their parents__have____some blankets 12,David__has______some jackets 13,My friends__have_____a football 14,What do you____have____?What does Mike__has____?What do your friends__have____?What does Heleen_____has___? 15,His brother__has___a basketball Her sister___has__a nice doll Miss Li__has___an English book I___have__a good father and a good mother 16,____there is __a telescope on the desk He__has___a tape-recorder 17,_ there__is__a basletball in the piayground.She___has__some dresses.They__have___a nice garden 18,What do you__have___?What dose Mike__has___?
19,____is there__a resding-room in the building?__tape-recorder
20,My father___has__a story-book David___has__a telescope 21,__there_is_a story-book on the table 22,___ there is _a story-book on the table 22,___there is ___any flowers in the vase 23,How many studentsin the classroom 24,My parents___have___some nice pictures 25, there__are___some maps on the wall.___there is ___a map of the wall 26,David's friends_have_____some tents
