

Por Una Cabeza——这是中校与美女在纽约饭店里热情起舞的时的那段探戈舞曲的名字。作为盲人的中校在准备自杀前夕迈着高贵的舞步微笑着与年轻的姑娘跳了这段探戈,足以说明他对生活的留恋和向往。

“灵魂不可能有义肢!” 这是中校在大学听证会上慷慨激昂的演讲。我们每个人的一生都是历史的一个片断,如何将自己的这个片段变得闪亮,如何记载着人生几十个春秋,需要我们去深思。

Film opening 30 minutes, no attraction for me, as the only al pacino commander of the blind, thought the acting was a film star by acting and success, however, the next one) of classical pieces quickly broke this idea!
Al pacino acting actually don't have more effort, and I feel this is the general women give him as the most successful works, he will be a desire for his life and the life of ambivalence depicting the commander.
All of us is a contradiction, the individual character is the typical this contradiction. The hero is a due to drink like a life lost many opportunities for advancement general military commander even when drinking in class set to miss his grenade as blind as a bat, is a life of failure. He has no goal in life, and to anyone curses intra-psychic, including their relatives and his daughter is so lovely. His lust, he said he hung in the mouth is the only woman "is", but he was blinded, love a woman he only extreme by olfactory distinguish woman perfume, and can give a woman. "general."
Por Una Cabeza -- this is commander and beauty in New York restaurant during the enthusiasm when dance tango dance name. As the commander in preparation for the blind in suicide with noble dance before smiled and young girl jumped to explain the tango, for his life and sorrow.
FERRARI -- the blind, but to drive a man who don't want to open in the red FERRARI. Lieutenant colonel, of course, no exception, he drove on road and turn to others, but not care about speeding offences and ferrari under his control, accelerating speed in the streets, through the noise of life as his heart to continuously strengthen.

"The soul may not have limb!" This is in the university hearing officer passionate strenuousness speech. We each person's life was one of history, and how to own this segment becomes shining with life, how to dozens of spring and autumn period, we need to ponder.
In the end, lieutenant colonel returned home to see their daughter harry
"Harry, let us peace."
He is no longer the reel lieutenant colonel, he had found the meaning of life, the life of hope.
This woman named "give", meaning in general and to explain the story is about lieutenant colonel, different interpretations of the Angle of the meaning of life. The profound in meaning, XunWei people. Look after our thinking has a lot of problems, including human, moral, justice...