

摘要:电力建设施工企业在工程建设中实行施工项目成本管理是企业生存和发展的基础和核心,在施工阶段搞好成本控制,达到增收节支的目的是项目经营活动中更为重要的环节。笔者结合自身的项目管理实践工作,谈谈电力建设施工企业的生产经营中的成本控制。 关键词:成本; 控制;成本管理; 电力建设Abstract: electric construction enterprise in the engineering construction of a construction project cost management is the foundation of the enterprise survival and the development and the core of the construction stage does well the cost control to achieve the purpose of increasing earnings is project management activities more important segment. The author own project management practice, talk about electric construction the production and operation of enterprises of the cost control.Keywords: cost; Control; Cost management; Electric power construction中图分类号:F407.61文献标识码:A 文章编号:前言:当前,随着市场经济的发展,电力建设施工企业同样面临着激烈的市场竞争,企业能否在市场竞争中立于不败之地,关键在于电力建设企业能否为社会提供质量高、工期短、造价低的电力工程产品。(剩余0字)